Nuno D Mendes
Nuno D Mendes
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Current tools for the identification of miRNA genes and their targets
ND Mendes, AT Freitas, MF Sagot
Nucleic acids research 37 (8), 2419-2433, 2009
YEASTRACT-DISCOVERER: new tools to improve the analysis of transcriptional regulatory associations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PT Monteiro, ND Mendes, MC Teixeira, S d’Orey, S Tenreiro, NP Mira, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D132-D136, 2007
MUSA: a parameter free algorithm for the identification of biologically significant motifs
ND Mendes, AC Casimiro, PM Santos, I Sa-Correia, AL Oliveira, ...
Bioinformatics 22 (24), 2996-3002, 2006
Estimating attractor reachability in asynchronous logical models
ND Mendes, R Henriques, E Remy, J Carneiro, PT Monteiro, C Chaouiya
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1161, 2018
Combination of measures distinguishes pre-miRNAs from other stem-loops in the genome of the newly sequenced Anopheles darlingi
ND Mendes, AT Freitas, AT Vasconcelos, MF Sagot
BMC genomics 11, 1-11, 2010
Composition and abstraction of logical regulatory modules: application to multicellular systems
ND Mendes, F Lang, YS Le Cornec, R Mateescu, G Batt, C Chaouiya
Bioinformatics 29 (6), 749-757, 2013
Seismic vulnerability assessment of ancient masonry building: An experimental method
N Mendes, PB Lourenço, AC Costa
Advanced Materials Research 133, 635-640, 2010
A computational approach for microRNA identification in plants: Combining genome-based predictions with RNA-seq data
JS Oliveira, ND Mendes, V Carocha, C Graça, JA Paiva, AT Freitas
Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics 4 (130), 2153-0602.1000130, 2013
Navigating the unexplored seascape of pre-miRNA candidates in single-genome approaches
ND Mendes, S Heyne, AT Freitas, MF Sagot, R Backofen
Bioinformatics 28 (23), 3034-3041, 2012
Sensorineural hearing loss and systemic autoimmune disease: the experience of a systemic immune-mediated diseases unit
R Ribeiro, JF Serôdio, MC Amaral, JA Duarte, C Durão, N Mendes, ...
Cureus 13 (3), 2021
Quantification of reachable attractors in asynchronous discrete dynamics
ND Mendes, PT Monteiro, J Carneiro, E Remy, C Chaouiya
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.3539, 2014
Arlindo L. Oliveira, Ana T. Freitas, YEASTRACT-DISCOVERER: new tools to improve the analysis of transcriptional regulatory associations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PT Monteiro, N Mendes, MC Teixeira, S d’Orey, S Tenreiro, N Mira, H Pais, ...
Nucl. Acids Res., Jan 36, D132-D136, 2008
Towards a plant experimental assay ontology
ND Mendes, PT Monteiro, C Vaz, I Chaves
DILS 2014, 41, 2014
Computational prediction of microRNA targets in plant genomes
M Reis, ND Mendes, AT Freitas
XII Symposium on Bioinformatics, 2014
Unraveling miRNA Post-Transcriptional Regulation Mechanisms behind Eucalyptus globulus Wood Formation
JAP Paiva
Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference, 2014
The microEGo Project: Unraveling Post-Transcriptional Regulation Mechanisms on Eucalyptus Wood Formation
JAP Paiva
Plant and Animal Genome XXI Conference, 2013
miRNA gene prediction
ND Mendes
Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, 2013
Identification of miRNAs in E. globulus xylem tissues formed upon gravitropic stimulation
V Carocha, C Graça, J Amado, N Mendes, A Amaral, H San-Clemente, ...
26th New Phytologist Symposium, 30, 2011
Efficient algorithms for the identifications of miRNA motifs in DNA sequences
ND Mendes
Instituto Superior Técnico, 2011
Inference of Complex Motifs using Biclustering Techniques
ND Mendes
Instituto Superior Técnico, 2005
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