Justin F. Schneiderman
Justin F. Schneiderman
Associate Professor / Universitetslektor, MedTech West and The University of Gothenburg
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SQUIDs in biomagnetism: a roadmap towards improved healthcare
R Körber, JH Storm, H Seton, JP Mäkelä, R Paetau, L Parkkonen, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 29 (11), 113001, 2016
C2 Swan band laser-induced fluorescence and chemiluminescence in low-pressure hydrocarbon flames
GP Smith, C Park, J Schneiderman, J Luque
Combustion and flame 141 (1-2), 66-77, 2005
High-tc squid biomagnetometers
MI Faley, J Dammers, YV Maslennikov, JF Schneiderman, D Winkler, ...
Superconductor science and technology 30 (8), 083001, 2017
High-Tc superconducting quantum interference device recordings of spontaneous brain activity: Towards high-Tc magnetoencephalography
F Öisjöen, JF Schneiderman, GA Figueras, ML Chukharkin, A Kalabukhov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (13), 2012
Anomalous avoided level crossings in a Cooper-pair box spectrum
Z Kim, V Zaretskey, Y Yoon, JF Schneiderman, MD Shaw, PM Echternach, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (14), 144506, 2008
Information content with low-vs. high-Tc SQUID arrays in MEG recordings: The case for high-Tc SQUID-based MEG
JF Schneiderman
Journal of neuroscience methods 222, 42-46, 2014
Characterizing hippocampal dynamics with MEG: A systematic review and evidence‐based guidelines
E Ruzich, M Crespo‐García, SS Dalal, JF Schneiderman
Human brain mapping 40 (4), 1353-1375, 2019
A new approach for bioassays based on frequency-and time-domain measurements of magnetic nanoparticles
F Öisjöen, JF Schneiderman, AP Astalan, A Kalabukhov, C Johansson, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 (5), 1008-1013, 2010
Localizing on-scalp MEG sensors using an array of magnetic dipole coils
C Pfeiffer, LM Andersen, D Lundqvist, M Hämäläinen, JF Schneiderman, ...
PLoS One 13 (5), e0191111, 2018
Methanol poisoning: bilateral putaminal and cerebellar cortical lesions on CT and MR.
JC Chen, JF Schneiderman, G Wortzman
Journal of computer assisted tomography 15 (3), 522-524, 1991
Free evolution of superposition states in a single Cooper pair box
A Guillaume, JF Schneiderman, P Delsing, HM Bozler, PM Echternach
Physical Review B 69 (13), 132504, 2004
Globally elevated excitation–inhibition ratio in children with autism spectrum disorder and below-average intelligence
VO Manyukhina, AO Prokofyev, IA Galuta, DE Goiaeva, TS Obukhova, ...
Molecular autism 13 (1), 20, 2022
Evaluation of realistic layouts for next generation on-scalp MEG: spatial information density maps
B Riaz, C Pfeiffer, JF Schneiderman
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6974, 2017
A 7-Channel High- SQUID-Based On-Scalp MEG System
C Pfeiffer, S Ruffieux, L Jönsson, ML Chukharkin, A Kalaboukhov, M Xie, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (5), 1483-1489, 2019
Steady-state thermodynamics of nonequilibrium quasiparticles in a Cooper-pair box
BS Palmer, CA Sanchez, A Naik, MA Manheimer, JF Schneiderman, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (5), 054501, 2007
Input-dependent modulation of MEG gamma oscillations reflects gain control in the visual cortex
EV Orekhova, OV Sysoeva, JF Schneiderman, S Lundström, IA Galuta, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8451, 2018
Spatio-temporal profile of brain activity during gentle touch investigated with magnetoencephalography
EE Hagberg, R Ackerley, D Lundqvist, J Schneiderman, V Jousmäki, ...
NeuroImage 201, 116024, 2019
Focus on SQUIDs in biomagnetism
J Clarke, YH Lee, J Schneiderman
Supercond. Sci. Technol 31 (8), 080201, 2018
Similarities and differences between on-scalp and conventional in-helmet magnetoencephalography recordings
LM Andersen, R Oostenveld, C Pfeiffer, S Ruffieux, V Jousmäki, ...
PLoS One 12 (7), e0178602, 2017
Towards an electrowetting-based digital microfluidic platform for magnetic immunoassays
V Schaller, A Sanz-Velasco, A Kalabukhov, JF Schneiderman, F Öisjöen, ...
Lab on a Chip 9 (23), 3433-3436, 2009
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