Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala
Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala
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Zitiert von
Tuning of PID controller based on a multiobjective genetic algorithm applied to a robotic manipulator
HVH Ayala, L dos Santos Coelho
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 8968-8974, 2012
Capacitor placement of distribution systems using particle swarm optimization approaches
CS Lee, HVH Ayala, L dos Santos Coelho
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 839-851, 2015
Image thresholding segmentation based on a novel beta differential evolution approach
HVH Ayala, FM dos Santos, VC Mariani, L dos Santos Coelho
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (4), 2136-2142, 2015
Nonlinear black-box system identification through coevolutionary algorithms and radial basis function artificial neural networks
HVH Ayala, D Habineza, M Rakotondrabe, L dos Santos Coelho
Applied Soft Computing 87, 105990, 2020
Wind turbine blade geometry design based on multi-objective optimization using metaheuristics
JXV Neto, EJG Junior, SR Moreno, HVH Ayala, VC Mariani, ...
Energy 162, 645-658, 2018
An improved free search differential evolution algorithm: A case study on parameters identification of one diode equivalent circuit of a solar cell module
HVH Ayala, L dos Santos Coelho, VC Mariani, A Askarzadeh
Energy 93, 1515-1522, 2015
A self-adaptive chaotic differential evolution algorithm using gamma distribution for unconstrained global optimization
L dos Santos Coelho, HVH Ayala, VC Mariani
Applied Mathematics and Computation 234, 452-459, 2014
Design of heat exchangers using a novel multiobjective free search differential evolution paradigm
HVH Ayala, P Keller, M de Fátima Morais, VC Mariani, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 94, 170-177, 2016
Cascaded evolutionary algorithm for nonlinear system identification based on correlation functions and radial basis functions neural networks
HVH Ayala, L dos Santos Coelho
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 68, 378-393, 2016
A multiobjective Gaussian particle swarm approach applied to electromagnetic optimization
L dos Santos Coelho, HVH Ayala, P Alotto
IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 (8), 3289-3292, 2010
Population's variance-based adaptive differential evolution for real parameter optimization
L dos Santos Coelho, HVH Ayala, RZ Freire
2013 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 1672-1677, 2013
Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for real underwater image restoration
C Sánchez-Ferreira, LS Coelho, HVH Ayala, MCQ Farias, CH Llanos
Signal Processing: Image Communication 77, 49-65, 2019
Wind turbines anomaly detection based on power curves and ensemble learning
SR Moreno, LS Coelho, HVH Ayala, VC Mariani
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (19), 4086-4093, 2020
CO and NOx emissions prediction in gas turbine using a novel modeling pipeline based on the combination of deep forest regressor and feature engineering
L dos Santos Coelho, HVH Ayala, VC Mariani
Fuel 355, 129366, 2024
Multiobjective krill herd algorithm for electromagnetic optimization
HVH Ayala, EHV Segundo, VC Mariani, LS Coelho
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
Nonlinear black-box system identification through neural networks of a hysteretic piezoelectric robotic micromanipulator
HVH Ayala, D Habineza, M Rakotondrabe, CE Klein, LS Coelho
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (28), 409-414, 2015
A multiobjective genetic algorithm applied to multivariable control optimization
HVH Ayala, LS Coelho
ABCM symposium series in mechatronics 3, 736-745, 2008
Harmony search approach based on ricker map for multi-objective transformer design optimization
HVH Ayala, L dos Santos Coelho, VC Mariani, MVF da Luz, JV Leite
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (3), 1-4, 2015
Multiobjective symbiotic search algorithm approaches for electromagnetic optimization
HVH Ayala, CE Klein, VC Mariani, LDS Coelho
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (6), 1-4, 2017
Efficient hardware implementation of radial basis function neural network with customized-precision floating-point operations
HVH Ayala, DM Muñoz, CH Llanos, L dos Santos Coelho
Control Engineering Practice 60, 124-132, 2017
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