Seth Ariel (Sefaattin) Tongay
Seth Ariel (Sefaattin) Tongay
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Ultrafast charge transfer in atomically thin MoS2/WS2 heterostructures
X Hong, J Kim, SF Shi, Y Zhang, C Jin, Y Sun, S Tongay, J Wu, Y Zhang, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (9), 682-686, 2014
Band offsets and heterostructures of two-dimensional semiconductors
J Kang, S Tongay, J Zhou, J Li, J Wu
Applied Physics Letters 102 (1), 2013
Thermally Driven Crossover from Indirect toward Direct Bandgap in 2D Semiconductors: MoSe2 versus MoS2
S Tongay, J Zhou, C Ataca, K Lo, TS Matthews, J Li, JC Grossman, J Wu
Nano letters 12 (11), 5576-5580, 2012
Defects activated photoluminescence in two-dimensional semiconductors: interplay between bound, charged and free excitons
S Tongay, J Suh, C Ataca, W Fan, A Luce, JS Kang, J Liu, C Ko, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2657, 2013
High Efficiency Graphene Solar Cells by Chemical Doping
X Miao, S Tongay, MK Petterson, K Berke, AG Rinzler, BR Appleton, ...
Nano letters 12 (6), 2745-2750, 2012
Monolayer behaviour in bulk ReS2 due to electronic and vibrational decoupling
S Tongay, H Sahin, C Ko, A Luce, W Fan, K Liu, J Zhou, YS Huang, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3252, 2014
Observation of moiré excitons in WSe2/WS2 heterostructure superlattices
C Jin, EC Regan, A Yan, M Iqbal Bakti Utama, D Wang, S Zhao, Y Qin, ...
Nature 567 (7746), 76-80, 2019
Tuning Interlayer Coupling in Large-Area Heterostructures with CVD-Grown MoS2 and WS2 Monolayers
S Tongay, W Fan, J Kang, J Park, U Koldemir, J Suh, DS Narang, K Liu, ...
Nano letters 14 (6), 3185-3190, 2014
Broad-range modulation of light emission in two-dimensional semiconductors by molecular physisorption gating
S Tongay, J Zhou, C Ataca, J Liu, JS Kang, TS Matthews, L You, J Li, ...
Nano letters 13 (6), 2831-2836, 2013
Mott and generalized Wigner crystal states in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattices
EC Regan, D Wang, C Jin, MI Bakti Utama, B Gao, X Wei, S Zhao, W Zhao, ...
Nature 579 (7799), 359-363, 2020
Excitonic Linewidth Approaching the Homogeneous Limit in -Based van der Waals Heterostructures
F Cadiz, E Courtade, C Robert, G Wang, Y Shen, H Cai, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021026, 2017
Doping against the Native Propensity of MoS2: Degenerate Hole Doping by Cation Substitution
J Suh, TE Park, DY Lin, D Fu, J Park, HJ Jung, Y Chen, C Ko, C Jang, ...
Nano letters 14 (12), 6976-6982, 2014
Elastic Properties of Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Monolayer MoS2, WS2, and Their Bilayer Heterostructures
K Liu, Q Yan, M Chen, W Fan, Y Sun, J Suh, D Fu, S Lee, J Zhou, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5097-5103, 2014
Anomalous Raman spectra and thickness-dependent electronic properties of WSe
H Sahin, S Tongay, S Horzum, W Fan, J Zhou, J Li, J Wu, FM Peeters
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (16), 165409, 2013
Exciton radiative lifetime in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
C Robert, D Lagarde, F Cadiz, G Wang, B Lassagne, T Amand, ...
Physical review B 93 (20), 205423, 2016
Enhanced Light Emission from Large-Area Monolayer MoS2 Using Plasmonic Nanodisc Arrays
S Butun, S Tongay, K Aydin
Nano letters 15 (4), 2700-2704, 2015
Tuning the Optical, Magnetic, and Electrical Properties of ReSe2 by Nanoscale Strain Engineering
S Yang, C Wang, H Sahin, H Chen, Y Li, SS Li, A Suslu, FM Peeters, ...
Nano letters 15 (3), 1660-1666, 2015
Scalable enhancement of graphene oxide properties by thermally driven phase transformation
PV Kumar, NM Bardhan, S Tongay, J Wu, AM Belcher, JC Grossman
Nature chemistry 6 (2), 151-158, 2014
Anisotropic in-plane thermal conductivity of black phosphorus nanoribbons at temperatures higher than 100 K
S Lee, F Yang, J Suh, S Yang, Y Lee, G Li, H Sung Choe, A Suslu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 1-7, 2015
Rectification at graphene-semiconductor interfaces: zero-gap semiconductor-based diodes
S Tongay, M Lemaitre, X Miao, B Gila, BR Appleton, AF Hebard
Physical Review X 2 (1), 011002, 2012
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