Hamid Shahrouzi
Hamid Shahrouzi
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Model reduction of transformer detailed RCLM model using the imperialist competitive algorithm
V Rashtchi, E Rahimpour, H Shahrouzi
IET electric power applications 6 (4), 233-242, 2012
Applying artificial optimization methods for transformer model reduction of lumped parameter models
E Rahimpour, V Rashtchi, H Shahrouzi
Electric power systems research 84 (1), 100-108, 2012
Induction motors performance study under various voltage sags using simulation
M Ojaghi, J Faiz, H Shahrouzi, S Alimohammadi
2011 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Comparison between measured and computed magnetic flux density distribution of simulated transformer core joints assembled from grain-oriented and non-oriented electrical steel
H Shahrouzi, AJ Moses, PI Anderson, G Li, Z Hu
Aip Advances 8 (4), 2018
Hochfrequenz-modellierung: identifikation von modellparametern der Leistungstransformatoren
E Rahimpour, V Rashtchi, H Shahrouzi
EW: das Magazin für die Energie-Wirtschaft 110 (4), 44-47, 2011
Application of adaptive step length bacterial foraging algorithm for parameter identification of transformer detailed model
V Rashtchi, E Rahimpour, H Shahrouzi
XVII Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, 2011
Investigation of the influence of material and manufacturing parameters on the flux distribution and noise of transformer cores
H Shahrouzi
Cardiff University, 2018
Identification of model parameters of power transformers. HF modelling; Identifikation von Modellparametern der Leistungstransformatoren. Hochfrequenz-Modellierung
E Rahimpour, V Rashtchi, H Shahrouzi
EW 110, 2011
Transformer model reduction of lumped parameters models using imperialist competitive algorithm
V Rashtchi, E Rahimpour, H Shahrouzi
17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany …, 2011
Identifikation von Modellparametern der Leistungstransformatoren-Hochfrequenz-Modellierung
E Rahimpour, V Rashtchi, H Shahrouzi
EW-das Magazin fur die Energie Wirtschaft 110 (4), 44, 2011
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