Dietrich Manzey
Dietrich Manzey
Professor in retirement TU Berlin
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Complacency and bias in human use of automation: An attentional integration
R Parasuraman, DH Manzey
Human factors 52 (3), 381-410, 2010
Human performance consequences of stages and levels of automation: An integrated meta-analysis
L Onnasch, CD Wickens, H Li, D Manzey
Human factors 56 (3), 476-488, 2014
Space psychology and psychiatry
N Kanas, D Manzey
Space psychology and psychiatry, 2008
Misuse of automated decision aids: Complacency, automation bias and the impact of training experience
JE Bahner, AD Hüper, D Manzey
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 66 (9), 688-699, 2008
Human performance consequences of automated decision aids: The impact of degree of automation and system experience
D Manzey, J Reichenbach, L Onnasch
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 6 (1), 57-87, 2012
Psychology and culture during long-duration space missions
N Kanas, GM Sandal, JE Boyd, VI Gushin, D Manzey, R North, GR Leon, ...
On orbit and beyond: Psychological perspectives on human spaceflight, 153-184, 2013
HUMEX, a study on the survivability and adaptation of humans to long-duration exploratory missions, part I: lunar missions
G Horneck, R Facius, M Reichert, P Rettberg, W Seboldt, D Manzey, ...
Advances in Space Research 31 (11), 2389-2401, 2003
Mental performance in extreme environments: results from a performance monitoring study during a 438-day spaceflight
D Manzey, B Lorenz, V Poljakov
Ergonomics 41 (4), 537-559, 1998
Mental performance during short-term and long-term spaceflight
D Manzey, B Lorenz
Brain research reviews 28 (1-2), 215-221, 1998
Human missions to Mars: new psychological challenges and research issues
D Manzey
Acta Astronautica 55 (3-9), 781-790, 2004
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of anthropomorphism in human-robot interaction
E Roesler, D Manzey, L Onnasch
Science Robotics 6 (58), eabj5425, 2021
Psychophysiologie mentaler Beanspruchung.
D Manzey
F. Rösler (Hg): Ergebnisse und Anwendungen der Psychophysiologie …, 1997
Dual-task performance in space: results from a single-case study during a short-term space mission
D Manzey, B Lorenz, A Schiewe, G Finell, G Thiele
Human factors 37 (4), 667-681, 1995
Systemgestaltung und Automatisierung
D Manzey
Human Factors: Psychologie sicheren Handelns in Risikobranchen, 333-352, 2012
Two-crew operations: stress and fatigue during long-haul night flights.
A Samel, HM Wegmann, M Vejvoda, J Drescher, A Gundel, D Manzey, ...
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 68 (8), 679-687, 1997
Impairments of manual tracking performance during spaceflight: more converging evidence from a 20-day space mission
D Manzey, B Lorenz, H Heuer, J Sangals
Ergonomics 43 (5), 589-609, 2000
Principal components and varimax-rotated components in event-related potential research: some remarks on their interpretation
F Rösler, D Manzey
Biological Psychology 13, 3-26, 1981
Assessment center for pilot selection: Construct and criterion validity and the impact of assessor type
M Damitz, D Manzey, M Kleinmann, K Severin
Applied Psychology 52 (2), 193-212, 2003
Image‐guided navigation: the surgeon's perspective on performance consequences and human factors issues
D Manzey, S Röttger, JE Bahner‐Heyne, D Schulze‐Kissing, A Dietz, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2009
Evaluation of a navigation system for ENT with surgical efficiency criteria
G Strauss, K Koulechov, S Röttger, J Bahner, C Trantakis, M Hofer, ...
The Laryngoscope 116 (4), 564-572, 2006
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