Samuel B.G. Webster
Samuel B.G. Webster
Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority
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The path space of a directed graph
SBG Webster
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (1), 213--225, 2014
Remarks on some fundamental results about higher-rank graphs and their C*-algebras
R Hazlewood, I Raeburn, A Sims, SBG Webster
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 56 (2), 575-597, 2013
Von Neumann algebras of strongly connected higher-rank graphs
M Laca, NS Larsen, S Neshveyev, A Sims, SBG Webster
Mathematische Annalen 363 (1), 657-678, 2015
The path space of a higher-rank graph
SBG Webster
Studia Math. 204, 155--185, 2011
Fractal dual substitution tilings
NP Frank, SBG Webster, MF Whittaker
Journal of Fractal Geometry 3 (3), 265-317, 2016
A direct approach to co-universal algebras associated to directed graphs
A Sims, SBG Webster
Bull. Malays. Math. Soc. 33, 211--220, 2010
Directed graphs and k-graphs: topology of the path space and how it manifests in the associated C*-algebra
SBG Webster
University of Wollongong, 2010
Geographic variation in out-of-pocket costs for radiation oncology services
KG Dan Liu, Serena Yu, Samuel BG Webster, Bahare Moradi, Philip Haywood ...
The Medical Journal of Australia, 2023
Incorporating Safety and Quality Measures Into Australia’s Activity-Based Funding of Public Hospital Services
SBG Webster, SE Neville, J Nobbs, J Ching, K van Gool
Health Services Insights 16, 11786329231187891, 2023
Higher fees and out-of-pocket costs in radiotherapy point to a need for funding reform
K Van Gool, J Hall, P Haywood, D Liu, S Yu, SBG Webster, B Moradi, ...
Australian Health Review 47 (3), 301-306, 2023
Computing the fundamental group of a higher-rank graph
S Kang, D Pask, SBG Webster
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 64 (3), 650-661, 2021
Valuing rural hospitals-the Australian experience.
AB Chater, S Webster
Rural and remote health 23 (1), 8171-8171, 2023
Textile systems, coloured graphs and their applications to higher-rank graphs
S Kang, D Pask, SBG Webster
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.7651, 2013
From k-coloured graphs to k-graphs
S Webster
Canadian Operator Symposium, COSY 2012, 2012
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