Ting Fu
Ting Fu
Associate Professor, Tongji University; SAE SMoS Cmt; WTC, Urb. Com. Cmt
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A Novel Framework to Evaluate Pedestrian Safety at Non-Signalized Locations
T Fu, L Miranda-Moreno, N Saunier
Accident Analysis & Prevention 111 (C), 23-33, 2018
Investigating secondary pedestrian-vehicle interactions at non-signalized intersections using vision-based trajectory data
T Fu, W Hu*, L Miranda-Moreno, N Saunier
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 105, 222-240, 2019
Expressway crash risk prediction using back propagation neural network: A brief investigation on safety resilience
J Wang, Y Kong, T Fu*
Accident Analysis & Prevention 124, 180-192, 2019
Effects of Lane Width, Lane Position and Edge Shoulder Width on Driving Behavior in Underground Urban Expressways: A Driving Simulator Study
S Liu, J Wang, T Fu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (10), 2016
Dynamic prediction of traffic incident duration on urban expressways: a deep learning approach based on LSTM and MLP
W Zhu, J Wu, T Fu*, J Wang, J Zhang, Q Shangguan
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, in press, 2021
Modeling when and where a secondary accident occurs
J Wang, B Liu, T Fu, S Liu*, J Stipancic
Accident Analysis & Prevention, in Press; Online, 2018
An integrated methodology for real-time driving risk status prediction using naturalistic driving data
Q Shangguan, T Fu, J Wang*, T Luo, S Fang
Accident Analysis & Prevention 156, 2021
Crash Prediction based on Traffic Platoon Characteristics using Floating Car Trajectory Data and the Machine Learning Approach
J Wang, T Luo, T Fu*
Accident Analysis & Prevention 133, 2019
Automatic Traffic Data Collection under Varying Lighting and Temperature Conditions in Multimodal Environments: Thermal versus Visible Spectrum Video-Based Systems
T Fu, J Stipancic, S Zangenehpour, L Miranda-Moreno, S Nicolas
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017, 2017
A proactive lane-changing risk prediction framework considering driving intention recognition and different lane-changing patterns
Q Shangguan, T Fu*, J Wang, S Fang, L Fu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 164, 2022
A video-based approach to calibrating car-following parameters in VISSIM for urban traffic
Z Lu, T Fu, L Fu, S Shiravi, C Jiang
International journal of transportation science and technology 5 (1), 1-9, 2016
Pedestrian crosswalk safety at nonsignalized crossings during nighttime: Use of thermal video data and surrogate safety measures
T Fu, L Miranda-Moreno, N Saunier
Transportation research record 2586 (1), 90-99, 2016
Investigating rear-end collision avoidance behavior under varied foggy weather conditions: A study using advanced driving simulator and survival analysis.
Q Shangguan, T Fu*, S Liu
Accident; analysis and prevention 139, 105499, 2020
Predicting drowsy driving in real-time situations: Using an advanced driving simulator, accelerated failure time model, and virtual location-based services
J Wang, S Sun, S Fang, T Fu, J Stipancic
Accident Analysis & Prevention 99, 321-329, 2017
A Motorcyclist-Injury Severity Analysis: A Comparison of Single-, Two-, and Multi-Vehicle Crashes Using Latent Class Ordered Probit Model
J Li, S Fang, J Guo, T Fu, Q Min
Accident Analysis & Prevention 151, 105953, 2021
Aggressive Driving Behavior Prediction Considering Driver's Intention based on Multivariate-Temporal Feature Data
W Xu, J Wang*, T Fu, H Gong, A Sobhani
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2022
Realtime Wide-area Vehicle Trajectory Tracking using Millimeter-wave Radar Sensors and the Open TJRD TS Dataset
J Wang, T Fu*, J Xue, C Li, H Song, W Xu, Q Shangguan
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2022
Crash Prediction for Freeway Work Zones in Real Time: A Comparison between Convolutional Neural Network and Binary Logistic Regression Model
J Wang, H Song, T Fu*, M Behan, L Jie, Y He, Q Shangguan
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2021
The impact of vehicle moving violations and freeway traffic flow on crash risk: An application of plugin development for microsimulation
J Wang, Y Kong, T Fu*, J Stipancic
PLoS ONE 12 (9), e0184564, 2017
Impact of right-turn channelization on pedestrian safety at signalized intersections
C Jiang, R Qiu, T Fu*, L Fu, B Xiong, Z Lu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 136 (1), 2020
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