Lisa Bramer
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Dynamics of the human gut microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease
J Halfvarson, CJ Brislawn, R Lamendella, Y Vázquez-Baeza, WA Walters, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (5), 1-7, 2017
Human gut microbiota from autism spectrum disorder promote behavioral symptoms in mice
G Sharon, NJ Cruz, DW Kang, MJ Gandal, B Wang, YM Kim, EM Zink, ...
Cell 177 (6), 1600-1618. e17, 2019
Proteogenomic and metabolomic characterization of human glioblastoma
LB Wang, A Karpova, MA Gritsenko, JE Kyle, S Cao, Y Li, D Rykunov, ...
Cancer cell 39 (4), 509-528. e20, 2021
Automated mass spectrometry imaging of over 2000 proteins from tissue sections at 100-μm spatial resolution
PD Piehowski, Y Zhu, LM Bramer, KG Stratton, R Zhao, DJ Orton, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-12, 2020
21st century United States emissions mitigation could increase water stress more than the climate change it is mitigating
MI Hejazi, N Voisin, L Liu, LM Bramer, DC Fortin, JE Hathaway, M Huang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (34), 10635-10640, 2015
Genomes and secretomes of Ascomycota fungi reveal diverse functions in plant biomass decomposition and pathogenesis
JF Challacombe, CN Hesse, LM Bramer, LA McCue, M Lipton, S Purvine, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-27, 2019
Hypergraph models of biological networks to identify genes critical to pathogenic viral response
S Feng, E Heath, B Jefferson, C Joslyn, H Kvinge, HD Mitchell, ...
BMC bioinformatics 22 (1), 287, 2021
Dispersal limitation and thermodynamic constraints govern spatial structure of permafrost microbial communities
EM Bottos, DW Kennedy, EB Romero, SJ Fansler, JM Brown, LM Bramer, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (8), fiy110, 2018
Advances and prospects for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP)
S Jain, L Pei, JM Spraggins, M Angelo, JP Carson, N Gehlenborg, F Ginty, ...
Nature cell biology 25 (8), 1089-1100, 2023
A global lipid map defines a network essential for Zika virus replication
HC Leier, JB Weinstein, JE Kyle, JY Lee, LM Bramer, KG Stratton, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3652, 2020
Carbon inputs from riparian vegetation limit oxidation of physically bound organic carbon via biochemical and thermodynamic processes
EB Graham, MM Tfaily, AR Crump, AE Goldman, LM Bramer, E Arntzen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (12), 3188-3205, 2017
A probe-enabled approach for the selective isolation and characterization of functionally active subpopulations in the gut microbiome
C Whidbey, NC Sadler, RN Nair, RF Volk, AJ DeLeon, LM Bramer, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (1), 42-47, 2018
Effects of ingested nanocellulose on intestinal microbiota and homeostasis in Wistar Han rats
S Khare, GM DeLoid, RM Molina, K Gokulan, SP Couvillion, ...
NanoImpact 18, 100216, 2020
Putting humpty dumpty back together again: what does protein quantification mean in bottom-up proteomics?
DL Plubell, L Käll, BJ Webb-Robertson, LM Bramer, A Ives, NL Kelleher, ...
Journal of proteome research 21 (4), 891-898, 2022
Metaphenomic responses of a native prairie soil microbiome to moisture perturbations
T Roy Chowdhury, JY Lee, EM Bottos, CJ Brislawn, RA White III, ...
Msystems 4 (4), 10.1128/msystems. 00061-19, 2019
pmartR: Quality Control and Statistics for Mass Spectrometry-Based Biological Data
KG Stratton, BJM Webb-Robertson, LA McCue, B Stanfill, D Claborne, ...
Journal of proteome research 18 (3), 1418-1425, 2019
Bayesian proteoform modeling improves protein quantification of global proteomic measurements
BJM Webb-Robertson, MM Matzke, S Datta, SH Payne, J Kang, ...
Molecular & cellular proteomics 13 (12), 3639-3646, 2014
Temporal expression profiling of plasma proteins reveals oxidative stress in early stages of Type 1 Diabetes progression
CW Liu, L Bramer, BJ Webb-Robertson, K Waugh, MJ Rewers, Q Zhang
Journal of proteomics 172, 100-110, 2018
Dynamics of the human gut microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease. Nat Microbiol 2: 17004
J Halfvarson, CJ Brislawn, R Lamendella, Y Vázquez-Baeza, WA Walters, ...
Relative influence of trans-Pacific and regional atmospheric transport of PAHs in the Pacific Northwest, US
S Lafontaine, J Schrlau, J Butler, Y Jia, B Harper, S Harris, LM Bramer, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (23), 13807-13816, 2015
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