Reuven Glick
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Contagion and trade: Why are currency crises regional?
R Glick, AK Rose
Journal of International Money and Finance 18 (4), 603-617, 1999
Does a currency union affect trade? The time-series evidence
R Glick, AK Rose
European economic review 46 (6), 1125-1151, 2002
Global versus country-specific productivity shocks and the current account
R Glick, K Rogoff
Journal of Monetary economics 35 (1), 159-192, 1995
Banking and currency crises: How common are twins?
R Glick, M Hutchison
Financial Crises in Emerging Markets, R Glick, R Moreno, MM Spiegel, eds, 2001
Collateral damage: Trade disruption and the economic impact of war
R Glick, AM Taylor
The Review of Economics and Statistics 92 (1), 102-127, 2010
Military expenditure, threats, and growth
J Aizenman, R Glick
Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 15 (2), 129-155, 2006
Currency Crises, Capital Account Liberalization, and Selection Bias
R Glick, X Guo, M Hutchison
EPRU Working Paper Series, 2005
Currency unions and trade: A post-EMU reassessment
R Glick, AK Rose
European Economic Review 87, 78-91, 2016
Central bank announcements of asset purchases and the impact on global financial and commodity markets
R Glick, S Leduc
Journal of International Money and Finance 31 (8), 2078-2101, 2012
Capital controls and exchange rate instability in developing economies
R Glick, M Hutchison
Journal of International Money and Finance 24 (3), 387-412, 2005
Productivity, tradability, and the long-run price puzzle
PR Bergin, R Glick, AM Taylor
Journal of Monetary Economics 53 (8), 2041-2066, 2006
Sterilization, monetary policy, and global financial integration
J Aizenman, R Glick
Review of International Economics 17 (4), 777-801, 2009
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Stylized Facts about their Determinants and Governance*
J Aizenman, R Glick
International Finance 12 (3), 351-386, 2009
Unconventional monetary policy and the dollar: conventional signs, unconventional magnitudes
R Glick, S Leduc
56th issue (December 2018) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Global household leverage, house prices, and consumption
R Glick, KJ Lansing
FRBSF Economic Letter 1, 1-5, 2010
Navigating the trilemma: Capital flows and monetary policy in China
R Glick, M Hutchison
Journal of Asian Economics 20 (3), 205-224, 2009
Endogenous tradability and some macroeconomic implications
PR Bergin, R Glick
Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (8), 1086-1095, 2009
Financial liberalization in the pacific basin: Implications for real interest rate linkages
R Glick, M Hutchison
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 4 (1), 36-48, 1990
China's financial linkages with Asia and the global financial crisis
R Glick, M Hutchison
Journal of International Money and Finance 39, 186-206, 2013
Sovereign wealth funds: Stumbling blocks or stepping stones to financial globalization
J Aizenman, R Glick
FRBSF Economic Letter, 2007
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