William S. Ryu
William S. Ryu
Department of Physics, Donnelly Center, University of Toronto
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Real-time imaging of fluorescent flagellar filaments
L Turner, WS Ryu, HC Berg
Journal of bacteriology 182 (10), 2793-2801, 2000
In Vivo and Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging of Upconverting Nanophosphors in Caenorhabditis elegans
SF Lim, R Riehn, WS Ryu, N Khanarian, C Tung, D Tank, RH Austin
Nano Letters 6 (2), 169-174, 2006
Dimensionality and Dynamics in the Behavior of C. elegans
GJ Stephens, B Johnson-Kerner, W Bialek, WS Ryu
PLoS computational biology 4 (4), e1000028, 2008
Torque-generating units of the flagellar motor of Escherichia coli have a high duty ratio
WS Ryu, RM Berry, HC Berg
Nature 403 (6768), 444-447, 2000
An imbalancing act: gap junctions reduce the backward motor circuit activity to bias C. elegans for forward locomotion
T Kawano, MD Po, S Gao, G Leung, WS Ryu, M Zhen
Neuron 72 (4), 572-586, 2011
A comprehensive genetic characterization of bacterial motility
HS Girgis, Y Liu, WS Ryu, S Tavazoie
PLoS genetics 3 (9), e154, 2007
Thermotaxis in Caenorhabditis elegans analyzed by measuring responses to defined thermal stimuli
WS Ryu, ADT Samuel
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (13), 5727-5733, 2002
Enhanced Caenorhabditis elegans locomotion in a structured microfluidic environment
S Park, H Hwang, SW Nam, F Martinez, RH Austin, WS Ryu
PloS one 3 (6), e2550, 2008
Fluid ‘rope trick’investigated
L Mahadevan, WS Ryu, ADT Samuel
Nature 392 (6672), 140-140, 1998
Tumbling cards
L Mahadevan, WS Ryu, ADT Samuel
Physics of Fluids 11 (1), 1-3, 1999
Foraging success under uncertainty: search tradeoffs and optimal space use
F Bartumeus, D Campos, WS Ryu, R Lloret‐Cabot, V Méndez, J Catalan
Ecology letters 19 (11), 1299-1313, 2016
Force and Velocity of Mycoplasma mobile Gliding
M Miyata, WS Ryu, HC Berg
Journal of bacteriology 184 (7), 1827-1831, 2002
Emergence of long timescales and stereotyped behaviors in Caenorhabditis elegans
GJ Stephens, M Bueno de Mesquita, WS Ryu, W Bialek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (18), 7286-7289, 2011
Viscoelastic properties of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a self-similar, shear-thinning worm
M Backholm, WS Ryu, K Dalnoki-Veress
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12), 4528-4533, 2013
The thermal impulse response of Escherichia coli
E Paster, WS Ryu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (14), 5373-5377, 2008
Flagellar determinants of bacterial sensitivity to χ-phage
ADT Samuel, TP Pitta, WS Ryu, PN Danese, ECW Leung, HC Berg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (17), 9863-9866, 1999
Resolving coiled shapes reveals new reorientation behaviors in C. elegans
OD Broekmans, JB Rodgers, WS Ryu, GJ Stephens
Elife 5, e17227, 2016
Thermal robustness of signaling in bacterial chemotaxis
O Oleksiuk, V Jakovljevic, N Vladimirov, R Carvalho, E Paster, WS Ryu, ...
Cell 145 (2), 312-321, 2011
Behavioral response of Caenorhabditis elegansto localized thermal stimuli
A Mohammadi, J Byrne Rodgers, I Kotera, WS Ryu
BMC neuroscience 14, 1-12, 2013
From modes to movement in the behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans
GJ Stephens, B Johnson-Kerner, W Bialek, WS Ryu
PloS one 5 (11), e13914, 2010
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