Taylor Groves
Taylor Groves
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Gpcnet: Designing a benchmark suite for inducing and measuring contention in hpc networks
S Chunduri, T Groves, P Mendygral, B Austin, J Balma, K Kandalla, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Cross-facility science with the Superfacility Project at LBNL
B Enders, D Bard, C Snavely, L Gerhardt, J Lee, B Totzke, K Antypas, ...
2020 IEEE/ACM 2nd Annual Workshop on Extreme-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop …, 2020
Bandwidth steering in HPC using silicon nanophotonics
G Michelogiannakis, Y Shen, MY Teh, X Meng, B Aivazi, T Groves, J Shalf, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Understanding Performance Variability on the Aries Dragonfly Network
T Groves, Y Gu, N Wright
HPCMASPA in association with IEEE CLUSTER, 2017
Probability delegation forwarding in delay tolerant networks
X Chen, J Shen, T Groves, J Wu
2009 Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2009
RMA-MT: A Benchmark Suite for Assessing MPI Multi-threaded RMA Performance
MGF Dosanjh, T Groves, RE Grant, P Bridges, R Brightwell
16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing …, 2016
The case of performance variability on dragonfly-based systems
A Bhatele, JJ Thiagarajan, T Groves, R Anirudh, SA Smith, B Cook, ...
2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2020
Improving MPI Multi-threaded RMA Communication Performance
N Hjelm, M Dosanjh, R Grant, T Groves, P Bridges, D Arnold
ACM International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP, 2018
(SAI) Stalled, Active and Idle: Characterizing Power and Performance of Large-Scale Dragonfly Networks
T Groves, R Grant, S Hemmert, S Hammond, M Legenhagen, D Arnold
International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2016
BFS vs. CFS -- Scheduler Comparison
T Groves, J Knockel, E Schulte
Dec, 2009
NiMC: Characterizing and Eliminating Network-Induced Memory Contention
T Groves, RE Grant, D Arnold
30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2016), 2016
Quantifying the impact of network congestion on application performance and network metrics
Y Zhang, T Groves, B Cook, NJ Wright, AK Coskun
2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 162-168, 2020
The LBNL superfacility project report
D Bard, C Snavely, L Gerhardt, J Lee, B Totzke, K Antypas, W Arndt, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11992, 2022
Sandia MPI microbenchmark suite (SMB)
D Doefler, BW Barrett, RE Grant, MG Dosanjh, T Groves
Sandia National Laboratories 2020, 2009
In-network, push-based network resource monitoring: scalable, responsive network management
T Groves, D Arnold, Y He
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Network-Aware Data …, 2013
Performance evaluation of adaptive routing on dragonfly-based production systems
S Chunduri, K Harms, T Groves, P Mendygral, J Zarins, M Weiland, ...
2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2021
Hardware MPI message matching: Insights into MPI matching behavior to inform design
K Ferreira, RE Grant, MJ Levenhagen, S Levy, T Groves
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (3), e5150, 2020
Photonic memory disaggregation in datacenters
J Shalf, G Michelogiannakis, B Austin, T Groves, M Ghobadi, L Dennison, ...
Photonics in Switching and Computing, PsW1F. 5, 2020
Simulation Framework for Studying Optical Cable Failures in Dragonfly Topologies
T Connors, T Groves, T Quan, S Hemmert
Workshop on Scalable Networks for Advanced Computing Systems in conjunction …, 2019
Power Aware, Dynamic Provisioning of HPC Networks
T Groves, R Grant
Sandia Report, 2015
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