Adriana Neumann
Adriana Neumann
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Gender, race and parenthood impact academic productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic: from survey to action
F Staniscuaski, L Kmetzsch, RC Soletti, F Reichert, E Zandonà, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 663252, 2021
Impact of COVID-19 on academic mothers
F Staniscuaski, F Reichert, FP Werneck, L de Oliveira, PB Mello-Carpes, ...
Science 368 (6492), 724-724, 2020
Exclusion process with slow boundary
R Baldasso, O Menezes, A Neumann, RR Souza
Journal of Statistical Physics 167 (5), 1112-1142, 2017
Hydrodynamical behavior of symmetric exclusion with slow bonds
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 49 (2), 402-427, 2013
Phase transition of a heat equation with Robin’s boundary conditions and exclusion process
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (9), 6131-6158, 2015
Phase transition in equilibrium fluctuations of symmetric slowed exclusion
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123 (12), 4156-4185, 2013
Hydrodynamics of porous medium model with slow reservoirs
L Bonorino, R De Paula, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Journal of Statistical Physics 179 (3), 748-788, 2020
Non-equilibrium and stationary fluctuations for the SSEP with slow boundary
P Gonçalves, M Jara, O Menezes, A Neumann
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130 (7), 4326-4357, 2020
Non-equilibrium and stationary fluctuations of a slowed boundary symmetric exclusion
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (4), 1413-1442, 2019
Maternity in the Brazilian CV Lattes: when will it become a reality?
F Staniscuaski, E Zandonà, F Reichert, RC Soletti, L Oliveira, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93 (1), e20201370, 2021
Large deviations for the exclusion process with a slow bond
T Franco, A Neumann
Non-equilibrium fluctuations for the SSEP with a slow bond
D Erhard, T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann, M Tavares
Equilibrium fluctuations for the slow boundary exclusion process
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations: PSPDE IV, Braga …, 2017
Time to fight the pandemic setbacks for caregiver academics
F Staniscuaski, F Reichert, E Zandonà, RC Soletti, C Infanger, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (10), 1262-1262, 2021
A thermodynamic formalism for continuous time Markov chains with values on the Bernoulli Space: entropy, pressure and large deviations
A Lopes, A Neumann, P Thieullen
Journal of Statistical Physics 152 (5), 894-933, 2013
Hydrodynamic Limit for a Type of Exclusion Process with Slow Bonds in Dimension d ≥ 2
T Franco, A Neumann, G Valle
Journal of applied probability 48 (2), 333-351, 2011
Large Deviations for the SSEP with slow boundary: the non-critical case
T Franco, P Gonçalves, A Neumann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.06998, 2021
Parent in Science Movement
F Staniscuaski, F Reichert, F Werneck, L de Oliveira, P Mello-Carpes, ...
Impact of COVID-19 on academic mothers. Science 368 (6492), 724, 2020
Large deviations for stationary probabilities of a family of continuous time Markov chains via Aubry–Mather theory
AO Lopes, A Neumann
Journal of Statistical Physics 159, 797-822, 2015
Dynamical large deviations for the boundary driven symmetric exclusion process with Robin boundary conditions
T Franco, P Gonçalves, C Landim, A Neumann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.14417, 2022
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