W Younes
W Younes
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Compound-nuclear reaction cross sections from surrogate measurements
JE Escher, JT Harke, FS Dietrich, ND Scielzo, IJ Thompson, W Younes
Reviews of modern physics 84 (1), 353-397, 2012
Neutron-induced fission cross sections simulated from (t, p f) results
W Younes, HC Britt
Physical Review C 67 (2), 024610, 2003
Microscopic calculation of scission with a finite-range effective force
W Younes, D Gogny
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (5), 054313, 2009
Yrast superdeformed band in 194 Pb: J π and E x
K Hauschild, LA Bernstein, JA Becker, DE Archer, RW Bauer, DP McNabb, ...
Physical Review C 55 (6), 2819, 1997
Level densities and -ray strength functions in
U Agvaanluvsan, A Schiller, JA Becker, LA Bernstein, PE Garrett, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (5), 054611, 2004
Simulated neutron-induced fission cross sections for various Pu, U, and Th isotopes
W Younes, HC Britt
Physical Review C 68 (3), 034610, 2003
Microscopic and nonadiabatic Schrödinger equation derived from the generator coordinate method based on zero-and two-quasiparticle states
R Bernard, H Goutte, D Gogny, W Younes
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (4), 044308, 2011
Nuclear scission and quantum localization
W Younes, D Gogny
Physical Review Letters 107 (13), 132501, 2011
Event-by-event study of prompt neutrons from
R Vogt, J Randrup, J Pruet, W Younes
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (4), 044611, 2009
Estimation of () cross sections by measuring reaction probability ratios
C Plettner, H Ai, CW Beausang, LA Bernstein, L Ahle, H Amro, M Babilon, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 051602, 2005
Our future nuclear data needs
LA Bernstein, DA Brown, AJ Koning, BT Rearden, CE Romano, ...
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 69 (1), 109-136, 2019
Measurements and calculations of partial -ray cross sections
N Fotiades, GD Johns, RO Nelson, MB Chadwick, M Devlin, MS Wilburn, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (2), 024601, 2004
Onset of collectivity in neutron deficient Po 1 9 6, 1 9 8
LA Bernstein, JA Cizewski, HQ Jin, W Younes, RG Henry, LP Farris, ...
Physical Review C 52 (2), 621, 1995
Level densities in and
A Schiller, E Algin, LA Bernstein, PE Garrett, M Guttormsen, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (5), 054326, 2003
Properties of 112 Cd from the (n, n′ γ) reaction: Levels and level densities
PE Garrett, H Lehmann, J Jolie, CA McGrath, M Yeh, W Younes, ...
Physical Review C 64 (2), 024316, 2001
A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method
W Younes, DM Gogny, JF Berger
Springer, 2019
Decay and properties of the yrast superdeformed band in 192 Pb
DP McNabb, JA Cizewski, KY Ding, N Fotiades, DE Archer, JA Becker, ...
Physical Review C 56 (5), 2474, 1997
Systematical behavior of even-A polonium isotopes
W Younes, JA Cizewski
Physical Review C 55 (3), 1218, 1997
Shears bands in Pb 193
G Baldsiefen, MA Stoyer, JA Cizewski, DP McNabb, W Younes, JA Becker, ...
Physical Review C 54 (3), 1106, 1996
Decay from a superdeformed band in Pb 194
MJ Brinkman, JA Becker, IY Lee, LP Farris, EA Henry, RW Hoff, ...
Physical Review C 53 (4), R1461, 1996
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