Beril Beşbınar
Beril Beşbınar
Research Scientist, Sony Research
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Zitiert von
A structured dictionary perspective on implicit neural representations
G Yüce, G Ortiz-Jiménez, B Besbinar, P Frossard
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Inshore ship detection in high-resolution satellite images: Approximation of harbors using sea-land segmentation
B Beşbinar, AA Alatan
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXI 9643, 687-698, 2015
Self-supervision by prediction for object discovery in videos
B Besbinar, P Frossard
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1509-1513, 2021
Visual object tracking with autoencoder representations
B Beşbınar, AA Alatan
2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU …, 2016
Automatic segmentation of nuclei in histopathology images using encoding-decoding convolutional neural networks
DS Mercadier, B Besbinar, P Frossard
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Unsupervised change detection in satellite images using oversegmentation and mutual information
B Taşkesen, B Beşbınar, A Koz, AA Alatan
2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2017
Sea detection on high-resolution panchromatic satellite images using texture and intensity
B Beşbınar, AA Alatan
2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014
Inshore ship detection in multispectral satellite images
B Beşbınar, YZ Gürbüz, AA Alatan
2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2015
Unsupervised Visual Entity Abstraction towards 2D and 3D Compositional Models
B Besbinar
EPFL, 2022
Learning to Represent Whole Slide Images by Selecting Cell Graphs of Patches
Y Zhang, B Besbinar, P Frossard
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2021
Uydu Görüntülerinin Otomatik Analizi ile Afet Hasar Tespiti ve Kanunsuz Sınır Geçişlerinin Önlenmesi
AA Alatan, FT Yarman Vural, B Beşbınar, G Akar, YZ Gürbüz, U Halıcı, ...
Hierarchical representations for visual object tracking by detection
B Beşbınar
Middle East Technical University, 2015
B Besbinar, E Bourtsoulatze, W Cappelletti, G Cocco, CM Nobre, ...
Student Projects
P Frossard, G Cocco, F De Simone, M El Gheche, P Akyazi, B Besbinar, ...
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