Haniyeh Ghomi
Haniyeh Ghomi
Research Analyst, City of Toronto
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Analyzing injury severity factors at highway railway grade crossing accidents involving vulnerable road users: A comparative study
H Ghomi, M Bagheri, L Fu, LF Miranda-Moreno
Traffic injury prevention 17 (8), 833-841, 2016
An integrated text mining, literature review, and meta-analysis approach to investigate pedestrian violation behaviours
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Accident Analysis & Prevention 173, 106712, 2022
An integrated clustering and copula-based model to assess the impact of intersection characteristics on violation-related collisions
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Accident Analysis & Prevention 159, 106283, 2021
Identifying vehicle driver injury severity factors at highway-railway grade crossings using data mining algorithms
H Ghomi, L Fu, M Bagheri, LF Miranda-Moreno
2017 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety …, 2017
Analyzing the safety consequences of pedestrian spatial violation at mid-blocks: a Bayesian structural equation modeling approach
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Transportation research record 2677 (1), 1-13, 2023
Investigating the application of deep learning to identify pedestrian collision-prone zones
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 15 (11), 1172-1202, 2023
Moving Vision Zero programs forward: What pedestrian-focused countermeasure combinations work best and where? A dynamic copula-based time-series approach
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Accident Analysis & Prevention 192, 107229, 2023
An integrated clustering and Bayesian approach to investigate the severity of pedestrian collisions at highway-railway grade crossings collisions
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 14 (11), 1865-1889, 2022
A Data Mining Approach for Identifying Key Factors Affecting the Severity of Highway-Railway Grade Crossing Collisions Involving Vulnerable Road Users
H Ghomi, M Bagheri, L Fu, LF Miranda-Moreno
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
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H Ghomi, M Hussein
Transportation Research Record 2677 (1), 2023
Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Violation-Related Bike Collisions
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Canadian Transportation Research Forum 57th Annual Conference, 2022
Investigation of Pedestrian Collision Severity Patterns at Highway-Railway Grade Crossings Collisions Using Integrated Machine Learning and Bayesian Hierarchical Models
H Ghomi, M Hussein
Transportation Research Board 100th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2021
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