Fabiana Federica Ferro
Fabiana Federica Ferro
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Anomaly detection for the industrial internet of things: an unsupervised approach for fast root cause analysis
E Anello, C Masiero, F Ferro, F Ferrari, B Mukaj, A Beghi, GA Susto
2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1366-1371, 2022
Real-time efficient operation of decatizing processes via a geometric-based extremum seeking control
FF Ferro, M Lionello, M Rampazzo, A Beghi, M Guay
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 1614-1620, 2020
High-performance control of a single-axis compliant nano-positioning system: Control
R Sandon, H Li, FF Ferro, A Trevisani, G Hao, R Kavanagh
Proceedings of the 34th international manufacturing conference, 2017
Elastic Shape Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Textile Finishing Time-Series Data
FF Ferro, M Rampazzo, A Beghi
2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 82-88, 2022
Extremum Seeking-based Optimal Setting of the Air Temperature in Industrial Textile Dryers
FF Ferro, M Rampazzo, A Beghi
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), 2283-2288, 2019
Elastic shape analysis for anomaly detection in fabric images
FF Ferro, M Rampazzo, A Beghi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 67-72, 2021
Modellazione, Ottimizzazione e Controllo Qualità per Processi di Finissaggio nell'Industria Tessile
FF Ferro
Università degli studi di Padova, 2022
Modelling and simulation of convective industrial textile dryers
FF Ferro, M Rampazzo, E Sisti
37th UIT Heat Transfer Conference, 2019
Convective Industrial Textile Dryers: Analysis, Modelling, and Simulation
F. F. Ferro, M. Rampazzo, A. Beghi
The 35th International CAE Conference, 2019
Modelling and simulation of convective industrial textile dryers
F. F. Ferro, M. Rampazzo, E. Sisti
37th UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Padova, Italy, 2019
Modelling and simulation of wool steaming for the efficient management of decatizing processes
FF Ferro, M Rampazzo, A Beghi
E3S Web of Conferences 128, 09010, 2019
Prove sperimentali di elettrodi innovativi per l'elettroporazione di tessuti
FF Ferro
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