Junsen Zhang
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
The two-tier labor market in urban China: occupational segregation and wage differentials between urban residents and rural migrants in Shanghai
X Meng, J Zhang
Journal of comparative Economics 29 (3), 485-504, 2001
Economic returns to schooling in urban China, 1988 to 2001
J Zhang, Y Zhao, A Park, X Song
Journal of comparative economics 33 (4), 730-752, 2005
Do Population Control Policies Induce More Human Capital Investment? Twins, Birthweight, and China's 'One Child' Policy
mark rosengweig, junsen zhang
review of economic studies, 2009
Why do entrepreneurs enter politics? Evidence from China
H Li, L Meng, J Zhang
Economic Inquiry 44 (3), 559-578, 2006
The quantity-quality trade-off of children in a developing country: Identification using Chinese twins
H Li, J Zhang, Y Zhu
Demography 45 (1), 223-243, 2008
The evolution of China’s one-child policy and its effects on family outcomes
J Zhang
Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (1), 141-160, 2017
Sex ratios and crime: Evidence from China
L Edlund, H Li, J Yi, J Zhang
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (5), 1520-1534, 2013
Sectoral gender wage differentials and discrimination in the transitional Chinese economy
PW Liu, X Meng, J Zhang
Journal of Population Economics 13, 331-352, 2000
Rising longevity, education, savings, and growth
J Zhang, J Zhang, R Lee
Journal of Development Economics 70 (1), 83-101, 2003
Mortality decline and long-run economic growth
J Zhang, J Zhang, R Lee
Journal of Public Economics 80 (3), 485-507, 2001
Estimating the effect of the one-child policy on the sex ratio imbalance in China: Identification based on the difference-in-differences
H Li, J Yi, J Zhang
Demography 48, 1535-1557, 2011
The effect of life expectancy on fertility, saving, schooling and economic growth: theory and evidence
J Zhang, J Zhang
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 107 (1), 45-66, 2005
Globalization and wage inequality: Evidence from urban China
J Han, R Liu, J Zhang
Journal of international Economics 87 (2), 288-297, 2012
Does parental absence reduce cognitive achievements? Evidence from rural China
H Zhang, JR Behrman, CS Fan, X Wei, J Zhang
Journal of Development Economics 111, 181-195, 2014
Do high birth rates hamper economic growth?
H Li, J Zhang
The Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (1), 110-117, 2007
Long-term effects of the 1959-1961 China famine: Mainland China and Hong Kong
D Almond, L Edlund, H Li, J Zhang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007
Dowry and wife's welfare: A theotrical and empirical analysis
J Zhang, W Chan
Journal of Political Economy 107 (4), 786-808, 1999
Early health shocks, intra-household resource allocation and child outcomes
J Yi, JJ Heckman, J Zhang, G Conti
The Economic Journal 125 (588), F347-F371, 2015
Economic returns to communist party membership: Evidence from urban Chinese twins
H Li, PW Liu, J Zhang, N Ma
The Economic Journal 117 (523), 1504-1520, 2007
Trends in the gender earnings differential in urban China, 1988–2004
J Zhang, J Han, PW Liu, Y Zhao
ILR Review 61 (2), 224-243, 2008
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