Andrei Bejan
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Using real-time road traffic data to evaluate congestion
J Bacon, AI Bejan, AR Beresford, D Evans, RJ Gibbens, K Moody
Dependable and Historic Computing: Essays Dedicated to Brian Randell on the …, 2011
Application of inflow control devices to heterogeneous reservoirs
VM Birchenko, AI Bejan, AV Usnich, DR Davies
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2), 534-541, 2011
Statistical modelling and analysis of sparse bus probe data in urban areas
AI Bejan, RJ Gibbens, D Evans, AR Beresford, J Bacon, A Friday
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Largest eigenvalues and sample covariance matrices. tracy-widom and painleve ii: computational aspects and realization in s-plus with applications
A Bejan
Preprint: http://www. vitrum. md/andrew/MScWrwck/TWinSplus. pdf, 2005
Largest eigenvalues and sample covariance matrices
A Bejan
Tracy–Widom and Painleve II: computational aspects and realization in S-Plus …, 2005
Statistical aspects of storage systems modelling in energy networks
AI Bejan, RJ Gibbens, FP Kelly
2012 46th annual conference on information sciences and systems (ciss), 1-6, 2012
Fisher information-based experiment design for network tomography
T He, C Liu, A Swami, D Towsley, T Salonidis, AI Bejan, P Yu
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 43 (1), 389-402, 2015
Evaluation of velocity fields via sparse bus probe data in urban areas
AI Bejan, RJ Gibbens
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2011
Priority queueing systems with switchover times: generalized models for QoS and CoS network technologies and analysis
G Mishkoy, S Giordano, N Andronati, A Bejan
The XIV Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Satellite …, 2006
On algorithms of busy time period evaluation in priority queues with orientation time
A Bejan
Communications of the Second Conference of the Mathematical Society of the …, 2004
Multicast vs. unicast for loss tomography on tree topologies
C Liu, T He, A Swami, D Towsley, T Salonidis, AI Bejan, P Yu
MILCOM 2015-2015 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 312-317, 2015
Dependable and historic computing
J Bacon, AI Bejan, AR Beresford, D Evans, RJ Gibbens, K Moody
2011, ch. Using realtime road traffic data to evaluate congestion, 2011
Numerical treatment of the Kendall equation in the analysis of priority queueing systems
A Bejan
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 51 (2), 17-28, 2006
Generalized priority models for QoS and CoS network technologies
M Gh, S Giordano, A Bejan, O Benderschi
Computer Science Journal of Moldova 15 (2), 44, 2007
A performance analysis study of multipath routing in a hybrid network with mobile users
AI Bejan, RJ Gibbens, Y Lim, D Towsley
Proceedings of the 2013 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), 1-9, 2013
The diffusion model of intra-Golgi transport has limited power
GV Beznoussenko, AI Bejan, S Parashuraman, A Luini, HS Kweon, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), 1375, 2023
Efficient multicast in hybrid wireless networks
P Basu, CK Chau, AI Bejan, R Gibbens, S Guha, MP Johnson
MILCOM 2015-2015 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 306-311, 2015
Tracy-Widom and Painleve II: Computational Aspects and Realisation in S-Plus
A Bejan
First Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics, 2008
Priority queueing systems and prioritization phenomena in information networks
G Mishkoy, S Giordano, A Bejan
Editura UTM, 2006
Priority Queueing Systems with Switchover Times: Modeling and Analysis in Java
M Botezatu, A Bejan
Communications of The XIV Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics …, 2006
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