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Assessment of the hurricane-induced power outages from a demographic, socioeconomic, and transportation perspective
MB Ulak, A Kocatepe, LM Konila Sriram, EE Ozguven, R Arghandeh
Natural hazards 92, 1489-1508, 2018
How does accessibility to post-disaster relief compare between the aging and the general population? A spatial network optimization analysis of hurricane relief facility locations
JM Marcelin, MW Horner, EE Ozguven, A Kocatepe
International journal of disaster risk reduction 15, 61-72, 2016
Measuring the accessibility of critical facilities in the presence of hurricane-related roadway closures and an approach for predicting future roadway disruptions
A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, G Kakareko, EE Ozguven, S Jung, R Arghandeh
Natural Hazards 95, 615-635, 2019
Special needs hurricane shelters and the ageing population: development of a methodology and a case study application
MW Horner, EE Ozguven, JM Marcelin, A Kocatepe
Disasters 42 (1), 169-186, 2018
A stop safety index to address pedestrian safety around bus stops
MB Ulak, A Kocatepe, A Yazici, EE Ozguven, A Kumar
Safety Science 133, 105017, 2021
Pet-and special needs-friendly shelter planning in south florida: A spatial capacitated p-median-based approach
A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven, M Horner, H Ozel
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 1207-1222, 2018
Socioeconomic characteristics and crash injury exposure: A case study in Florida using two-step floating catchment area method
A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, MW Horner, R Arghandeh
Applied Geography 87, Pages 207-221, 2017
Metadata-based needs assessment for emergency transportation operations with a focus on an aging population: A case study in Florida
EE Ozguven, MW Horner, A Kocatepe, JM Marcelin, Y Abdelrazig, ...
Transport reviews 36 (3), 383-412, 2016
Combined electricity and traffic short-term load forecasting using bundled causality engine
J Cordova, LMK Sriram, A Kocatepe, Y Zhou, EE Ozguven, R Arghandeh
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (9), 3448-3458, 2018
Geographic information system–based spatial and statistical analysis of severe crash hotspot accessibility to hospitals
MB Ulak, A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven, MW Horner, L Spainhour
Transportation research record 2635 (1), 90-97, 2017
Advanced electricity load forecasting combining electricity and transportation network
KSL Madhavi, J Cordova, MB Ulak, M Ohlsen, EE Ozguven, R Arghandeh, ...
2017 North American power symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2017
Evacuating people and their pets: older Floridians’ need for and proximity to pet-friendly shelters
R Douglas, A Kocatepe, AE Barrett, EE Ozguven, C Gumber
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 74 (6), 1032-1040, 2019
Investigating exposure of the population to crash injury using a spatiotemporal analysis: A case study in Florida
S Mafi, Y AbdelRazig, G Amirinia, A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven
Applied geography 104, 42-55, 2019
Aging population–focused accessibility assessment of multimodal facilities in Florida
H Ozel, EE Ozguven, A Kocatepe, MW Horner
Transportation Research Record 2584 (1), 45-61, 2016
Co-resilience assessment of hurricane-induced power grid and roadway network disruptions: A case study in Florida with a focus on critical facilities
A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, LMK Sriram, D Pinzan, EE Ozguven, R Arghandeh
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Who might be affected by crashes? Identifying areas susceptible to crash injury risk and their major contributing factors
A Kocatepe, MB Ulak, EE Ozguven, MW Horner
Transportmetrica A: transport science 15 (2), 1278-1305, 2019
Transportation accessibility assessment of critical emergency facilities: Aging population-focused case studies in Florida
A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven, H Ozel, MW Horner, R Moses
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Healthy and Active Aging …, 2016
Extending interdiction and median models to identify critical hurricane shelters
O Alisan, M Ghorbanzadeh, MB Ulak, A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven, M Horner, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 43, 101380, 2020
Developing performance measures to evaluate impact of cross-county collaboration for populations with access and functional needs
O Alisan, H Tuydes-Yaman, A Kocatepe, EE Ozguven
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31, 873-885, 2018
The reach and influence of DOT Twitter accounts: a case study in Florida
A Kocatepe, J Lores, EE Ozguven, A Yazici
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
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