Doug Fischer
Doug Fischer
Research Scholar, Ronin Institute
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Significance of summer fog and overcast for drought stress and ecological functioning of coastal California endemic plant species
DT Fischer, CJ Still, AP Williams
Journal of Biogeography 36 (4), 783-799, 2009
Clustering and compactness in reserve site selection: an extension of the biodiversity management area selection model
DT Fischer, RL Church
Forest Science 49 (4), 555-565, 2003
Selection of bioclimatically representative biological reserve systems under climate change
CR Pyke, DT Fischer
Biological Conservation 121 (3), 429-441, 2005
Evaluating patterns of fog water deposition and isotopic composition on the California Channel Islands
DT Fischer, CJ Still
Water Resources Research 43 (4), 2007
The influence of summertime fog and overcast clouds on the growth of a coastal Californian pine: a tree-ring study
AP Williams, CJ Still, DT Fischer, SW Leavitt
Oecologia 156 (3), 601-611, 2008
Decision analysis for designing marine protected areas for multiple species with uncertain fishery status
JW White, LW Botsford, EA Moffitt, DT Fischer
Ecological Applications 20 (6), 1523-1541, 2010
The SITES reserve selection system: a critical review
DT Fischer, RL Church
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 10 (3), 215-228, 2005
Coastal fog during summer drought improves the water status of sapling trees more than adult trees in a California pine forest
SA Baguskas, CJ Still, DT Fischer, CM D’Antonio, JY King
Oecologia 181 (1), 137-148, 2016
Fog drip maintains dry season ecological function in a California coastal pine forest
DT Fischer, CJ Still, CM Ebert, SA Baguskas, A Park Williams
Ecosphere 7 (6), e01364, 2016
Spatial and temporal patterns of cloud cover and fog inundation in coastal California: ecological implications
B Rastogi, AP Williams, DT Fischer, SF Iacobellis, K McEachern, ...
Earth Interactions 20 (15), 1-19, 2016
Simulation of a century of runoff across the Tomales watershed, Marin County, California
DT Fischer, SV Smith, RR Churchill
Journal of Hydrology 186 (1-4), 253-273, 1996
Impact of fog drip versus fog immersion on the physiology of Bishop pine saplings
SA Baguskas, JY King, DT Fischer, CM D’Antonio, CJ Still
Functional Plant Biology 44 (3), 339-350, 2016
Ensuring robust analysis
DT Fischer, HM Alidina, C Steinback, AV Lombana, ...
Marxan good practices handbook, version 2, 75-96, 2010
A GIS-based tool for representing larval dispersal for marine reserve selection
DT Fischer, JW White, LW Botsford, J Largier, DM Kaplan
The Professional Geographer 63 (4), 489-513, 2011
Ecological and biogeographic impacts of fog and stratus clouds on coastal vegetation, Santa Cruz Island, CA
DT Fischer
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007
Cloud and fog interactions with coastal forests in the California Channel Islands
CJ Still, SA Baguskas, P Williams, DT Fischer, MS Carbone, B Rastogi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, A52E-08, 2015
Ecological and biogeographic impacts of fog and stratus clouds on coastal vegetation, Santa Cruz Island, California
DT Fischer
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007
Hydrologic Effects and Biogeographic Impacts of Coastal Fog, Channel Islands, California
DT Fischer, CJ Still, AP Williams
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2006, B23C-1097, 2006
Fog and vegetation on the California Channel Islands: a tree ring and satellite analysis
P Williams, C Still, D Fischer, S Leavitt
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2005, B11A-1009, 2005
RastoqiSpatialTemporalPatterns. pdf
B Rastogi, AP Williams, DT Fischer, SF Iacobellis, K McEachern, ...
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