Bert Janssen
Bert Janssen
Departamento de Física Teórica y del Cosmos, Universidad de Granada
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Palatini versus metric formulation in higher-curvature gravity
M Borunda, B Janssen, M Bastero-Gil
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2008 (11), 008, 2008
Multiple intersections of D-branes and M-branes
E Bergshoeff, M De Roo, E Eyras, B Janssen, JP Van der Schaar
Nuclear Physics B 494 (1-2), 119-143, 1997
Solution-generating transformations and the string effective action
E Bergshoeff, B Janssen, T Ortin
Classical and Quantum Gravity 13 (3), 321, 1996
Intersecting D-branes in ten and six dimensions
K Behrndt, E Bergshoeff, B Janssen
Physical Review D 55 (6), 3785, 1997
Kaluza-Klein monopoles and gauged sigma models
TO Eric Bergshoeff, Bert Janssen
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 68 (1-3), 355-366, 1998
Intersections involving monopoles and waves in eleven dimensions
E Bergshoeff, M De Roo, E Eyras, B Janssen, JP Van Der Schaar
Classical and Quantum Gravity 14 (10), 2757, 1997
Five-branes, KK monopoles and T-duality
E Eyras, B Janssen, Y Lozano
Nuclear Physics B 531 (1-3), 275-301, 1998
The D8-brane tied up: String and brane solutions in massive type IIA supergravity
B Janssen, P Meessen, T Ortin
Physics Letters B 453 (3-4), 229-236, 1999
On the (non-)uniqueness of the Levi-Civita solution in the Einstein–Hilbert–Palatini formalism
AN Bernal, B Janssen, A Jiménez-Cano, JA Orejuela, M Sánchez, ...
Physics Letters B 768, 280-287, 2017
The super D9-brane and its truncations
E Bergshoeff, M de Roo, B Janssen, T Ortin
Nuclear Physics B 550 (1-2), 289-302, 1999
A first-order formalism for timelike and spacelike brane solutions
B Janssen, P Smyth, T Van Riet, B Vercnocke
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (04), 007, 2008
A microscopical description of giant gravitons
B Janssen, Y Lozano
Nuclear Physics B 658 (1-2), 281-299, 2003
Teorıa de la Relatividad General
B Janssen
Dpto de Fısica Teórica y del Cosmos, Universidad de Granada, 2013
On the dielectric effect for gravitational waves
B Janssen, Y Lozano
Nuclear Physics B 643 (1-3), 399-430, 2002
A microscopical description of giant gravitons II: the AdS5× S5 background
B Janssen, Y Lozano, D Rodrı́guez-Gómez
Nuclear Physics B 669 (1-2), 363-378, 2003
Brane world with bulk horizon
C Gomez, B Janssen, PJ Silva
Journal of High Energy Physics 2000 (04), 027, 2000
Fractional branes, warped compactifications and backreacted orientifold planes
J Blåbäck, B Janssen, T Van Riet, B Vercnocke
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (10), 1-18, 2012
The baryon vertex with magnetic flux
B Janssen, Y Lozano, D Rodriguez-Gomez
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 (11), 082, 2006
Giant gravitons and fuzzy CP2
B Janssen, Y Lozano, D Rodríguez-Gómez
Nuclear Physics B 712 (1-2), 371-391, 2005
Type II duality symmetries in six dimensions
K Behrndt, E Bergshoeff, B Janssen
Nuclear Physics B 467 (1-2), 100-126, 1996
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