James Gelsleichter
James Gelsleichter
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Food habits of the smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis, dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, and the sand tiger, Carcharias …
J Gelsleichter, JA Musick, S Nichols
Environmental biology of fishes 54, 205-217, 1999
Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the diet and daily ration of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, from the eastern Gulf of Mexico
DM Bethea, L Hale, JK Carlson, E Cortés, CA Manire, J Gelsleichter
Marine biology 152, 1009-1020, 2007
Age and growth of the smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) in the northwest Atlantic Ocean
CL Conrath, J Gelsleichter, JA Musick
Fishery Bulletin 100 (4), 674, 2002
Predominance of genetic monogamy by females in a hammerhead shark, Sphyrna tiburo: implications for shark conservation
DD Chapman, PA Prodöhl, J Gelsleichter, CA Manire, MS Shivji
Molecular Ecology 13 (7), 1965-1974, 2004
Selection and sex‐biased dispersal in a coastal shark: The influence of philopatry on adaptive variation
DS Portnoy, JB Puritz, CM Hollenbeck, J Gelsleichter, D Chapman, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (23), 5877-5885, 2015
Organochlorine Concentrations in Bonnethead Sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) from Four Florida Estuaries
J Gelsleichter, CA Manire, NJ Szabo, E Cortés, J Carlson, ...
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 48, 474-483, 2005
Pollutant exposure and effects in sharks and their relatives
J Gelsleichter, CJ Walker
Sharks and their relatives II, 507-554, 2010
Diet shift and site-fidelity of oceanic whitetip sharks Carcharhinus longimanus along the Great Bahama Bank
DJ Madigan, EJ Brooks, ME Bond, J Gelsleichter, LA Howey, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 529, 185-197, 2015
Uptake of human pharmaceuticals in bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) inhabiting a wastewater-impacted river
J Gelsleichter, NJ Szabo
Science of the total environment 456, 196-201, 2013
Contemporary population structure and post‐glacial genetic demography in a migratory marine species, the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus
DS Portnoy, CM Hollenbeck, CN Belcher, WB Driggers Iii, BS Frazier, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (22), 5480-5495, 2014
Hormonal regulation of elasmobranch physiology
J Gelsleichter, AN Evans
Biology of sharks and their relatives, 287, 2004
Serum steroid concentrations and development of reproductive organs during puberty in male bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo
J Gelsleichter, LEL Rasmussen, CA Manire, J Tyminski, B Chang, ...
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 26, 389-401, 2002
Organochlorine concentrations, reproductive physiology, and immune function in unique populations of freshwater Atlantic stingrays (Dasyatis sabina) from Florida’s St. Johns River
J Gelsleichter, CJ Walsh, NJ Szabo, LEL Rasmussen
Chemosphere 63 (9), 1506-1522, 2006
Use of calcein as a fluorescent marker for elasmobranch vertebral cartilage
J Gelsleichter, E Cortés, CA Manire, RE Hueter, JA Musick
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126 (5), 862-865, 1997
Population structure and cryptic speciation in bonnethead sharks Sphyrna tiburo in the south‐eastern U.S.A. and Caribbean
AT Fields, KA Feldheim, J Gelsleichter, C Pfoertner, DD Chapman
Journal of Fish Biology 89 (5), 2219-2233, 2016
Mercury Accumulation and Effects in the Brain of the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae)
SL Ehnert-Russo, J Gelsleichter
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 78 (2), 267-283, 2020
Evaluation of toxicity of oxytetracycline on growth of captive nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum
J Gelsleichter, E Cortes, CA Manire, R Hueter, J Musick
Fishery bulletin 96 (3), 624, 1998
Population structure, gene flow, and historical demography of a small coastal shark (Carcharhinus isodon) in US waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean
DS Portnoy, CM Hollenbeck, DM Bethea, BS Frazier, J Gelsleichter, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (9), 2322-2332, 2016
Maternal serum and yolk hormone concentrations in the placental viviparous bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo
CA Manire, LEL Rasmussen, J Gelsleichter, DL Hess
General and comparative Endocrinology 136 (2), 241-247, 2004
Comparative thyroid hormone concentration in maternal serum and yolk of the bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) from two sites along the coast of Florida
DM McComb, J Gelsleichter, CA Manire, R Brinn, CL Brown
General and comparative endocrinology 144 (2), 167-173, 2005
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