50 years of first-passage percolation A Auffinger, M Damron, J Hanson
American Mathematical Soc., 2017
221 2017 Busemann functions and infinite geodesics in two-dimensional first-passage percolation M Damron, J Hanson
Communications in Mathematical Physics 325 (3), 917-963, 2014
86 2014 Bigeodesics in first-passage percolation M Damron, J Hanson
Communications in Mathematical Physics 349 (2), 753-776, 2017
51 2017 Sublinear variance in first-passage percolation for general distributions M Damron, J Hanson, P Sosoe
Probability Theory and Related Fields 163 (1), 223-258, 2015
49 2015 Differentiability at the edge of the percolation cone and related results in first-passage percolation A Auffinger, M Damron
Probability Theory and Related Fields 156 (1), 193-227, 2013
48 2013 Relations between invasion percolation and critical percolation in two dimensions M Damron, A Sapozhnikov, B Vágvölgyi
47 2009 Outlets of 2D invasion percolation and multiple-armed incipient infinite clusters M Damron, A Sapozhnikov
Probability theory and related fields 150 (1), 257-294, 2011
42 2011 A simplified proof of the relation between scaling exponents in first-passage percolation A Auffinger, M Damron
39 2014 Uniqueness of ground states for short-range spin glasses in the half-plane LP Arguin, M Damron, CM Newman, DL Stein
Communications in Mathematical Physics 300 (3), 641-657, 2010
38 2010 Subdiffusive concentration in first passage percolation M Damron, J Hanson, P Sosoe
29 2014 Asymptotics for critical first passage percolation M Damron, WK Lam, X Wang
26 2017 On the chemical distance in critical percolation M Damron, J Hanson, P Sosoe
20 2017 The scaling relation chi= 2 xi-1 for directed polymers in a random environment A Auffinger, M Damron
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.0992, 2012
20 2012 Rate of convergence of the mean for sub-additive ergodic sequences A Auffinger, M Damron, J Hanson
Advances in Mathematics 285, 138-181, 2015
19 2015 Examples of nonpolygonal limit shapes in iid first-passage percolation and infinite coexistence in spatial growth models M Damron, M Hochman
19 2013 On the number of ground states of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model LP Arguin, M Damron
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 50 (1), 28-62, 2014
18 2014 The number of ergodic measures for transitive subshifts under the regular bispecial condition M Damron, J Fickenscher
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42 (1), 86-140, 2022
17 2022 Parking on transitive unimodular graphs M Damron, J Gravner, M Junge, H Lyu, D Sivakoff
The Annals of Applied Probability 29 (4), 2089-2113, 2019
16 2019 Limit theorems for 2D invasion percolation M Damron, A Sapozhnikov
16 2012 Rate of convergence in first-passage percolation under low moments M Damron, N Kubota
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126 (10), 3065-3076, 2016
15 2016