Charlotte K. Whitney, PhD RPBio
Charlotte K. Whitney, PhD RPBio
Fisheries Biologist @ PGL Environmental Consultants & Adjunct @ UVic
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Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas
NC Ban, GG Gurney, NA Marshall, CK Whitney, M Mills, S Gelcich, ...
Nature sustainability 2 (6), 524-532, 2019
Adaptive capacity: from assessment to action in coastal social-ecological systems
CK Whitney, NJ Bennett, NC Ban, EH Allison, D Armitage, JL Blythe, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (2), 2017
A synthesis of tagging studies examining the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids in marine environments
SM Drenner, TD Clark, CK Whitney, EG Martins, SJ Cooke, SG Hinch
PloS one 7 (3), e31311, 2012
Optimum and maximum temperatures of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations hatched at different temperatures
Z Chen, K Anttila, J Wu, CK Whitney, SG Hinch, AP Farrell
Canadian Journal of Zoology 91 (5), 265-274, 2013
Threats to Canadian species at risk: an analysis of finalized recovery strategies
JL McCune, WL Harrower, S Avery-Gomm, JM Brogan, AM Csergő, ...
Biological Conservation 166, 254-265, 2013
Resilience of pink salmon and chum salmon to simulated fisheries capture stress incurred upon arrival at spawning grounds
GD Raby, SJ Cooke, KV Cook, SH McConnachie, MR Donaldson, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142 (2), 524-539, 2013
Supporting early career researchers: insights from interdisciplinary marine scientists
EJ Andrews, S Harper, T Cashion, J Palacios-Abrantes, J Blythe, J Daly, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 476-485, 2020
" Like the plains people losing the buffalo": perceptions of climate change impacts, fisheries management, and adaptation actions by Indigenous peoples in coastal British …
CK Whitney, A Frid, BK Edgar, J Walkus, P Siwallace, IL Siwallace, ...
Ecology & Society 25 (4), 2020
Provenance matters: Thermal reaction norms for embryo survival among sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka populations
CK Whitney, SG Hinch, DA Patterson
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (4), 1159-1176, 2013
Barriers and opportunities for social-ecological adaptation to climate change in coastal British Columbia
CK Whitney, NC Ban
Ocean & Coastal Management 179, 104808, 2019
Population origin and water temperature affect development timing in embryonic sockeye salmon
CK Whitney, SG Hinch, DA Patterson
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143 (5), 1316-1329, 2014
Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities
DA Gill, J Blythe, N Bennett, L Evans, K Brown, RA Turner, JA Baggio, ...
One Earth 6 (2), 118-130, 2023
Intraspecific differences in endurance swim performance and cardiac size in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) parr tested at three temperatures
EJ Eliason, MK Gale, CK Whitney, A Lotto, SG Hinch
Canadian Journal of Zoology 95 (6), 425-432, 2017
Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas. Nat. Sustain. 2, 524–532
NC Ban, GG Gurney, NA Marshall, CK Whitney, M Mills, S Gelcich, ...
Imprecise and weakly assessed: evaluating voluntary measures for management of marine protected areas
CK Whitney, J Gardner, NC Ban, C Vis, S Quon, S Dionne
Marine Policy 69, 92-101, 2016
Defining success in the commons
AJ Barnett, S Partelow, U Frey, A García-Lozano, ...
International Journal of the Commons 14 (1), 366-387, 2020
Does among‐population variation in burst swimming performance of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka fry reflect early life migrations?
NM Sopinka, SG Hinch, AG Lotto, CK Whitney, DA Patterson
Journal of fish biology 83 (5), 1416-1424, 2013
Conservation Actions at Global and Local Scales in Marine Social–Ecological Systems: Status, Gaps, and Ways Forward
NC Ban, C Whitney, TE Davies, E Buscher, D Lancaster, L Eckert, ...
Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean, 143-168, 2017
Synthesizing and communicating climate change impacts to inform coastal adaptation planning
CK Whitney, T Conger, NC Ban, R McPhie
Facets 5 (1), 704-737, 2020
Northern Shelf Bioregion Climate Change Assessment: Projected climate changes, sectoral impacts, and recommendations for adaptation strategies across the Canadian North Pacific …
C Whitney, T Conger
MarXiv, 2019
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