Nenad Jovicic
Nenad Jovicic
School of Electrical Engineering
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Sensors and sensor fusion in autonomous vehicles
J Kocić, N Jovičić, V Drndarević
2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 420-425, 2018
An end-to-end deep neural network for autonomous driving designed for embedded automotive platforms
J Kocić, N Jovičić, V Drndarević
Sensors 19 (9), 2064, 2019
Kinematics of gait: new method for angle estimation based on accelerometers
MD Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, DB Popović
Sensors 11 (11), 10571-10585, 2011
Automatic identification and classification of freezing of gait episodes in Parkinson's disease patients
MD Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, SM Radovanović, ID Stanković, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
Nonlinear optimization for drift removal in estimation of gait kinematics based on accelerometers
MD Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, DB Popović, AR Djordjević
Journal of biomechanics 45 (16), 2849-2854, 2012
Wireless distributed functional electrical stimulation system
NS Jovičić, LV Saranovac, DB Popović
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 9, 1-10, 2012
Classification of walking patterns in Parkinson's disease patients based on inertial sensor data
M Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, I Milovanović, S Radovanović, N Kresojević, ...
10th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 3-6, 2010
Quantification of finger-tapping angle based on wearable sensors
M Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, A Roby-Brami, MB Popović, VS Kostić, ...
Sensors 17 (2), 203, 2017
Stimulation map for control of functional grasp based on multi-channel EMG recordings
LP Maneski, I Topalović, N Jovičić, S Dedijer, L Konstantinović, ...
Medical engineering & physics 38 (11), 1251-1259, 2016
Finger and foot tapping sensor system for objective motor assessment
M Djurić-Jovičić, N Jovičić, SM Radovanovic, MJ Lukić, M Belić, ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled 75 (1), 2018
Implementation of continuous wavelet transformation in repetitive finger tapping analysis for patients with PD
M Djurić-Jovičić, VN Bobić, M Ječmenica-Lukić, IN Petrović, ...
2014 22nd Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 541-544, 2014
Microsecond nonlinear model predictive control for DC‐DC converters
A Lekić, B Hermans, N Jovičić, P Patrinos
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 48 (3), 406-419, 2020
Quantitative and qualitative gait assessments in Parkinson’s disease patients
MD Djurić-Jovičić, NS Jovičić, SM Radovanović, ND Kresojević, VS Kostić, ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled 71 (9), 2014
Signal acquisition and processing in the magnetic defectoscopy of steel wire ropes
ID Radovanović, NM Rajović, VM Rajović, NS Jovičić
2011 19thTelecommunications Forum (TELFOR) Proceedings of Papers, 864-867, 2011
Reproducibility of “BUDA” multisensor system for gait analysis
M Djuric-Jovicic, IP Milovanovic, NS Jovicic, DB Popovic
IEEE EUROCON 2009, 108-111, 2009
Driver behavioral cloning using deep learning
J Kocić, N Jovičić, V Drndarević
2018 17th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 1-5, 2018
System for indoor localization of mobile robots by using machine vision
NV Janković, SV Ćirić, NS Jovičić
2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 619-622, 2015
Portable data acquisition system for gait analysis based on Bluetooth communication
N Jovicic, M Djuric, DB Popovic
Proceedings of the 15th Conference for Telecommunication Forum TELFOR, 484-487, 2007
The capacitive divider power supply and its design problem
VM Rajović, NS Jovičić
2011 19thTelecommunications Forum (TELFOR) Proceedings of Papers, 852-855, 2011
A device for active posture assistance during over ground gait training
JF Veneman, S Dosen, N Miljkovic, N Jovicic, A Veg, DB Popovic, T Keller
ICABB-2010, 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics …, 2010
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