Won Fy Lee
Won Fy Lee
Research Scientist, California Children and Families Commission (F5CA)
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The coronavirus will make child care deserts worse and exacerbate inequality
R Malik, K Hamm, WF Lee, EE Davis, A Sojourner
Center for American Progress 22, 2020
Life cycle assessment of a corn stover torrefaction plant integrated with a corn ethanol plant and a coal fired power plant
N Kaliyan, RV Morey, DG Tiffany, WF Lee
Biomass and Bioenergy 63, 92-100, 2014
Family-centered measures of access to early care and education
EE Davis, WF Lee, A Sojourner
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 47, 472-486, 2019
As a Matter of Fact: The National Charter School Study III
ME Raymond, JL Woodworth, WF Lee, S Bachofer
Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University, 2023
Effect of extrinsic cues on willingness to pay of wine: Evidence from Hong Kong blind tasting experiment
WF Lee, WC Gartner, H Song, B Marlowe, JW Choi, B Jamiyansuren
British Food Journal 120 (11), 2582-2598, 2018
Long-term effects of truancy diversion on school attendance: A quasi-experimental study with linked administrative data
CA McNeely, WF Lee, JE Rosenbaum, B Alemu, LM Renner
Prevention Science 20, 996-1008, 2019
Exploring an unexamined source of racial disparities in juvenile court involvement: Unexcused absenteeism policies in US schools
CA McNeely, B Alemu, WF Lee, I West
AERA Open 7, 23328584211003132, 2021
Estimates of learning loss in the 2019-2020 school year
ME Raymond, C Han, S Goulas, WF Lee, C Waeiss
Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University, 2020
Can court diversion improve school attendance among elementary students? Evidence from five school districts
WF Lee, CA McNeely, JE Rosenbaum, B Alemu, LM Renner
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 13 (4), 625-651, 2020
Economic analysis of biomass torrefaction plants integrated with corn ethanol plants and coal-fired power plants
DG Tiffany, WF Lee, V Morey, N Kaliyan
Advances in energy research 1 (2), 127, 2013
The effect of wine policy on the emerging cold-hardy wine industry in the northern US states
WF Lee, WC Gartner
Wine Economics and Policy 4 (1), 35-44, 2015
Racial Disparities, Homeownership, and Mortgage Lending in the Post-Great Recession Period: the Case of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area
SL Myers, WF Lee
Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 1-13, 2018
As a matter of fact: The national charter school study III
Center for Research on Education Outcomes
Stanford University, 2023
Vineyards in northern US states: Farm size and productivity relationship
JW Choi, WF Lee, WC Gartner
Journal of Distribution Science 14 (7), 53-61, 2016
Measuring Child Care Supply Using the Enhanced Two-Stage Floating Catchment Area Method
R Malik, WF Lee, A Sojourner, EE Davis
Washington: Center for American Progress, 2020
Responsible banking in the Twin Cities: Analysis of Banking Practices Based on 2008-2013 HMDA & CRA data
SL Myers, WF Lee, J Toney
The Effect of Relative Income in the Dynamics of Migration: Evidence from the VHLSS Panel Data
WF Lee
Racial Health Disparities in the United States: A Nonparametric Decomposition Approach
IJ Song, IS Ha, WF Lee
Academia Economic Papers 52 (2), 109-131, 2024
An examination of the impact of health insurance enrollment in reducing racial health disparities
IJ Song, IS Ha, WF Lee, M Choi
Journal of Economics and Finance 48 (1), 196-213, 2024
Effects of Subsidies on the Child Care Market: Large Increases in Capacity, Small Increases in Price
WF Lee, A Sojourner, EE Davis, J Borowsky
WE Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2024
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