Distribution of saltmarsh plant communities associated with environmental factors along a latitudinal gradient on the south‐west Atlantic coast JP Isacch, CSB Costa, L Rodríguez‐Gallego, D Conde, M Escapa, ... Journal of Biogeography 33 (5), 888-900, 2006 | 355 | 2006 |
Ecology and conservation of grassland birds in southeastern South America: a review AB Azpiroz, JP Isacch, RA Dias, AS Di Giacomo, CS Fontana, CM Palarea Journal of Field Ornithology 83 (3), 217-246, 2012 | 298 | 2012 |
Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations I Berkunsky, P Quillfeldt, DJ Brightsmith, MC Abbud, J Aguilar, ... Biological Conservation 214, 278-287, 2017 | 181 | 2017 |
The distribution and ecological effects of the introduced Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in northern Patagonia CM Escapa, JP Isacch, P Daleo, J Alberti, OO Iribarne, ME Borges, ... Natl Shellfisheries Assoc, 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
Recreational activities affecting the habitat use by birds in Pampa’s wetlands, Argentina: implications for waterbird conservation DA Cardoni, M Favero, JP Isacch Biological conservation 141 (3), 797-806, 2008 | 109 | 2008 |
Estacionalidad y relaciones con la estructura del hábitat de la comunidad de aves de pastizales de paja colorada (Paspalum quadrifarium) manejados con fuego en la provincia de … JP Isacch, MM Martínez Ornitología Neotropical 12 (4), 6, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
Abundancia y relaciones con el hábitat de aves y mamíferos en pastizales de Paspalum quadrifarium (Paja Colorada) manejados con fuego (Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina) VM Comparatore, MM Martínez, AI Vassallo, M Barg, JP Isacch INTERCIENCIA-CARACAS- 21, 228-237, 1996 | 92 | 1996 |
Conservation status of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper: historic and contemporary distribution and abundance in South America RB Lanctot, DE Blanco, RA Dias, JP Isacch, VA Gill, JB Almeida, K Delhey, ... The Wilson Bulletin 114 (1), 44-72, 2002 | 86 | 2002 |
Different grazing strategies are necessary to conserve endangered grassland birds in short and tall salty grasslands of the flooding Pampas JP Isacch, DA Cardoni The Condor 113 (4), 724-734, 2011 | 85 | 2011 |
Are bufonid toads specialized ant-feeders? A case test from the Argentinian flooding pampa JP Isacch, M Barg Journal of Natural History 36 (16), 2005-2012, 2002 | 81 | 2002 |
Bird-habitat relationship in semi-arid natural grasslands and exotic pastures in the west pampas of Argentina JP Isacch, NO Maceira, MS Bo, MR Demaría, S Peluc Journal of Arid Environments 62 (2), 267-283, 2005 | 74 | 2005 |
High abundance and diversity of consumers associated with eutrophic areas in a semi-desert macrotidal coastal ecosystem in Patagonia, Argentina P Martinetto, P Daleo, M Escapa, J Alberti, JP Isacch, E Fanjul, F Botto, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (3), 357-364, 2010 | 67 | 2010 |
Post-fire vegetation change and bird use of a salt marsh in coastal Argentina JP Isacch, S Holz, L Ricci, MM Martínez Wetlands 24 (2), 235-243, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Differential risk perception of rural and urban Burrowing Owls exposed to humans and dogs M Cavalli, AV Baladrón, JP Isacch, LM Biondi, MS Bó Behavioural Processes 124, 60-65, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Differential responses of marsh arthropods to rainfall-induced habitat loss AD Canepuccia, A Cicchino, A Escalante, A Novaro, JP Isacch Zoological Studies 48 (2), 174-183, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Waterbird response to changes in habitat area and diversity generated by rainfall in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon AD Canepuccia, JP Isacch, DA Gagliardini, AH Escalante, OO Iribarne Waterbirds 30 (4), 541-553, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |
Composition and seasonal changes of the bird community in the west pampa grasslands of Argentina JP Isacch, MS Bo, NO Maceira, MR Demaría, S Peluc Journal of Field Ornithology 74 (1), 59-65, 2003 | 55 | 2003 |
Marine ecosystem-based management in the Southern Cone of South America: Stakeholder perceptions and lessons for implementation S Gelcich, O Defeo, O Iribarne, G Del Carpio, R DuBois, S Horta, ... Marine Policy 33 (5), 801-806, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Habitat relationships of diurnal raptors at local and landscape scales in southern temperate grasslands of Argentina J Pedrana, JP Isacch, MS Bó Emu-Austral Ornithology 108 (4), 301-310, 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
The role of habituation in the adjustment to urban life: An experimental approach with burrowing owls M Cavalli, AV Baladrón, JP Isacch, LM Biondi, MS Bó Behavioural processes 157, 250-255, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |