Chia-Nan Yeh
Chia-Nan Yeh
Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
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Nevanlinna analytical continuation
J Fei, CN Yeh, E Gull
Physical Review Letters 126 (5), 056402, 2021
Direct comparison of many-body methods for realistic electronic Hamiltonians
KT Williams, Y Yao, J Li, L Chen, H Shi, M Motta, C Niu, U Ray, S Guo, ...
Physical Review X 10 (1), 011041, 2020
Sparse sampling approach to efficient ab initio calculations at finite temperature
J Li, M Wallerberger, N Chikano, CN Yeh, E Gull, H Shinaoka
Physical Review B 101 (3), 035144, 2020
Role of Kekulé and non-Kekulé structures in the radical character of alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a TAO-DFT study
CN Yeh, JD Chai
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30562, 2016
Analytical continuation of matrix-valued functions: Carathéodory formalism
J Fei, CN Yeh, D Zgid, E Gull
Physical Review B 104 (16), 165111, 2021
Ab initio self-energy embedding for the photoemission spectra of NiO and MnO
S Iskakov, CN Yeh, E Gull, D Zgid
Physical Review B 102 (8), 085105, 2020
Fully self-consistent finite-temperature in Gaussian Bloch orbitals for solids
CN Yeh, S Iskakov, D Zgid, E Gull
Physical Review B 106 (23), 235104, 2022
Relativistic self-consistent : Exact two-component formalism with one-electron approximation for solids
CN Yeh, A Shee, Q Sun, E Gull, D Zgid
Physical Review B 106 (8), 085121, 2022
Evaluation of two-particle properties within finite-temperature self-consistent one-particle Green’s function methods: Theory and application to GW and GF2
P Pokhilko, S Iskakov, CN Yeh, D Zgid
The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (2), 2021
Iterative subspace algorithms for finite-temperature solution of Dyson equation
P Pokhilko, CN Yeh, D Zgid
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (9), 2022
Electron correlations in the cubic paramagnetic perovskite : Results from fully self-consistent self-energy embedding calculations
CN Yeh, S Iskakov, D Zgid, E Gull
Physical Review B 103 (19), 195149, 2021
Electronic properties of the coronene series from thermally-assisted-occupation density functional theory
CN Yeh, C Wu, H Su, JD Chai
RSC advances 8 (60), 34350-34358, 2018
Testing the Green's function coupled cluster singles and doubles impurity solver on real materials within the framework of self-energy embedding theory
CN Yeh, A Shee, S Iskakov, D Zgid
Physical Review B 103 (15), 155158, 2021
Electronic and optical properties of the narrowest armchair graphene nanoribbons studied by density functional methods
CN Yeh, PY Lee, JD Chai
Australian Journal of Chemistry 69 (9), 960-968, 2016
Exploring coupled cluster Green’s function as a method for treating system and environment in Green’s function embedding methods
A Shee, CN Yeh, D Zgid
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18 (2), 664-676, 2022
Low-scaling algorithm for the random phase approximation using tensor hypercontraction with k-point sampling
CN Yeh, MA Morales
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (18), 6197-6207, 2023
Low-Scaling Algorithms for GW and Constrained Random Phase Approximation Using Symmetry-Adapted Interpolative Separable Density Fitting
CN Yeh, MA Morales
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (8), 3184-3198, 2024
Triple Excitations in Green’s Function Coupled Cluster Solver for Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems in the Framework of Self-Energy Embedding Theory
A Shee, CN Yeh, B Peng, K Kowalski, D Zgid
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (9), 2416-2424, 2023
Green/WeakCoupling: Implementation of fully self-consistent finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory for molecules and solids
S Iskakov, CN Yeh, P Pokhilko, Y Yu, L Zhang, G Harsha, V Abraham, ...
Computer Physics Communications 306, 109380, 2025
Tensor hypercontraction for fully self-consistent imaginary-time GF2 and GWSOX methods: theory, implementation, and role of the Green's function second-order exchange for …
P Pokhilko, CN Yeh, MA Morales, D Zgid
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17744, 2024
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