Dongbo Zhao
Dongbo Zhao
Eaton - Eaton Research Lab
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Resilient distribution system by microgrids formation after natural disasters
C Chen, J Wang, F Qiu, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 7 (2), 958-966, 2015
Load modeling—A review
A Arif, Z Wang, J Wang, B Mather, H Bashualdo, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 5986-5999, 2017
Optimal scheduling of an isolated microgrid with battery storage considering load and renewable generation uncertainties
Y Li, Z Yang, G Li, D Zhao, W Tian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (2), 1565-1575, 2018
Optimal distributed generation planning in active distribution networks considering integration of energy storage
Y Li, B Feng, G Li, J Qi, D Zhao, Y Mu
Applied energy 210, 1073-1081, 2018
Improving operational flexibility of integrated energy system with uncertain renewable generations considering thermal inertia of buildings
Y Li, C Wang, G Li, J Wang, D Zhao, C Chen
Energy Conversion and Management 207, 112526, 2020
Optimal scheduling of isolated microgrid with an electric vehicle battery swapping station in multi-stakeholder scenarios: A bi-level programming approach via real-time pricing
Y Li, Z Yang, G Li, Y Mu, D Zhao, C Chen, B Shen
Applied energy 232, 54-68, 2018
A two-stage approach for combined heat and power economic emission dispatch: Combining multi-objective optimization with integrated decision making
Y Li, J Wang, D Zhao, G Li, C Chen
Energy 162, 237-254, 2018
Virtual-impedance-based fault current limiters for inverter dominated AC microgrids
X Lu, J Wang, JM Guerrero, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (3), 1599-1612, 2016
Advanced distribution management system
APS Meliopoulos, E Polymeneas, Z Tan, R Huang, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (4), 2109-2117, 2013
An integrated method of ANFIS and Dempster-Shafer theory for fault diagnosis of power transformer
T Kari, W Gao, D Zhao, Z Zhang, W Mo, Y Wang, L Luan
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 25 (1), 360-371, 2018
Two-stage multi-objective OPF for AC/DC grids with VSC-HVDC: Incorporating decisions analysis into optimization process
Y Li, Y Li, G Li, D Zhao, C Chen
Energy 147, 286-296, 2018
Multi-agent safe policy learning for power management of networked microgrids
Q Zhang, K Dehghanpour, Z Wang, F Qiu, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (2), 1048-1062, 2020
Hybrid feature selection approach for power transformer fault diagnosis based on support vector machine and genetic algorithm
T Kari, W Gao, D Zhao, K Abiderexiti, W Mo, Y Wang, L Luan
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (21), 5672-5680, 2018
Incorporating energy storage and user experience in isolated microgrid dispatch using a multi‐objective model
Y Li, Z Yang, D Zhao, H Lei, B Cui, S Li
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (6), 973-981, 2019
Chance-constrained energy management system for power grids with high proliferation of renewables and electric vehicles
B Wang, P Dehghanian, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (3), 2324-2336, 2019
Evaluating demand response impacts on capacity credit of renewable distributed generation in smart distribution systems
J Feng, B Zeng, D Zhao, G Wu, Z Liu, J Zhang
IEEE Access 6, 14307-14317, 2017
Robust time-varying parameter identification for composite load modeling
C Wang, Z Wang, J Wang, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (1), 967-979, 2017
Aggregated electric vehicle load modeling in large-scale electric power systems
B Wang, D Zhao, P Dehghanian, Y Tian, T Hong
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (5), 5796-5810, 2020
Hybrid probabilistic-possibilistic approach for capacity credit evaluation of demand response considering both exogenous and endogenous uncertainties
B Zeng, X Wei, D Zhao, C Singh, J Zhang
Applied energy 229, 186-200, 2018
SVM-based parameter identification for composite ZIP and electronic load modeling
C Wang, Z Wang, J Wang, D Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 182-193, 2018
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