Yike Hu
Yike Hu
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Nanoscale tunable reduction of graphene oxide for graphene electronics
Z Wei, D Wang, S Kim, SY Kim, Y Hu, MK Yakes, AR Laracuente, Z Dai, ...
Science 328 (5984), 1373-1376, 2010
Room-temperature metastability of multilayer graphene oxide films
S Kim, S Zhou, Y Hu, M Acik, YJ Chabal, C Berger, W De Heer, ...
Nature materials 11 (6), 544-549, 2012
Large area and structured epitaxial graphene produced by confinement controlled sublimation of silicon carbide
WA De Heer, C Berger, M Ruan, M Sprinkle, X Li, Y Hu, B Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (41), 16900-16905, 2011
First direct observation of a nearly ideal graphene band structure
M Sprinkle, D Siegel, Y Hu, J Hicks, A Tejeda, A Taleb-Ibrahimi, ...
Physical Review Letters 103 (22), 226803, 2009
Scalable templated growth of graphene nanoribbons on SiC
M Sprinkle, M Ruan, Y Hu, J Hankinson, M Rubio-Roy, B Zhang, X Wu, ...
Nature nanotechnology 5 (10), 727-731, 2010
High-resolution tunnelling spectroscopy of a graphene quartet
YJ Song, AF Otte, Y Kuk, Y Hu, DB Torrance, PN First, WA de Heer, H Min, ...
Nature 467 (7312), 185-189, 2010
Half integer quantum Hall effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
X Wu, Y Hu, M Ruan, NK Madiomanana, J Hankinson, M Sprinkle, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (22), 2009
Record maximum oscillation frequency in C-face epitaxial graphene transistors
Z Guo, R Dong, PS Chakraborty, N Lourenco, J Palmer, Y Hu, M Ruan, ...
Nano letters 13 (3), 942-947, 2013
Epitaxial graphene electronic structure and transport
WA De Heer, C Berger, X Wu, M Sprinkle, Y Hu, M Ruan, JA Stroscio, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (37), 374007, 2010
Epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide: Introduction to structured graphene
M Ruan, Y Hu, Z Guo, R Dong, J Palmer, J Hankinson, C Berger, ...
MRS bulletin 37 (12), 1138-1147, 2012
Structured epitaxial graphene: growth and properties
Y Hu, M Ruan, Z Guo, R Dong, J Palmer, J Hankinson, C Berger, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (15), 154010, 2012
Top‐and side‐gated epitaxial graphene field effect transistors
X Li, X Wu, M Sprinkle, F Ming, M Ruan, Y Hu, C Berger, WA de Heer
physica status solidi (a) 207 (2), 286-290, 2010
Thermoelectric effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
X Wu, Y Hu, M Ruan, NK Madiomanana, C Berger, WA de Heer
Applied Physics Letters 99 (13), 2011
A method to extract pure Raman spectrum of epitaxial graphene on SiC
J Kunc, Y Hu, J Palmer, C Berger, WA de Heer
Applied Physics Letters 103 (20), 2013
Planar edge Schottky barrier-tunneling transistors using epitaxial graphene/SiC junctions
J Kunc, Y Hu, J Palmer, Z Guo, J Hankinson, SH Gamal, C Berger, ...
Nano Letters 14 (9), 5170-5175, 2014
Local work function measurements of plasma-fluorinated epitaxial graphene
SD Sherpa, J Kunc, Y Hu, G Levitin, WA De Heer, C Berger, DW Hess
Applied Physics Letters 104 (8), 2014
Wafer bonding solution to epitaxial graphene–silicon integration
R Dong, Z Guo, J Palmer, Y Hu, M Ruan, J Hankinson, J Kunc, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (9), 094001, 2014
Structured epitaxial graphene growth on SiC by selective graphitization using a patterned AlN cap
M Rubio-Roy, F Zaman, Y Hu, C Berger, MW Moseley, JD Meindl, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (8), 2010
Controlled epitaxial graphene growth within removable amorphous carbon corrals
J Palmer, J Kunc, Y Hu, J Hankinson, Z Guo, C Berger, WA de Heer
Applied Physics Letters 105 (2), 2014
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