Paul Xirouchakis
Paul Xirouchakis
University of Strathclyde
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Research issues on product lifecycle management and information tracking using smart embedded systems
D Kiritsis, A Bufardi, P Xirouchakis
Advanced engineering informatics 17 (3-4), 189-202, 2003
Evaluating the use phase energy requirements of a machine tool system
OI Avram, P Xirouchakis
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (6-7), 699-711, 2011
Research issues on closed-loop PLM
HB Jun, D Kiritsis, P Xirouchakis
Computers in industry 58 (8-9), 855-868, 2007
Finite element method based machining simulation environment for analyzing part errors induced during milling of thin-walled components
JK Rai, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 48 (6), 629-643, 2008
Experimental analysis of drilling fiber reinforced composites
MB Lazar, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 51 (12), 937-946, 2011
Disassembly planning and scheduling: review and further research
DH Lee, JG Kang, P Xirouchakis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2001
Disassembly scheduling: literature review and future research directions
HJ Kim, DH Lee, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Production Research 45 (18-19), 4465-4484, 2007
STL and extensions
I Stroud, PC Xirouchakis
Advances in Engineering Software 31 (2), 83-95, 2000
Parallel disassembly sequencing with sequence-dependent operation times
JG Kang, DH Lee, P Xirouchakis, JG Persson
CIRP Annals 50 (1), 343-346, 2001
Multicriteria decision-aid approach for product end-of-life alternative selection
A Bufardi, R Gheorghe, D Kiritsis, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Production Research 42 (16), 3139-3157, 2004
A framework for RFID applications in product lifecycle management
HB Jun, JH Shin, YS Kim, D Kiritsis, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 22 (7), 595-615, 2009
Modelling and evaluating product end-of-life options
G Erdos, T Kis, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Production Research 39 (6), 1203-1220, 2001
Disassembly scheduling with capacity constraints
DH Lee, P Xirouchakis, R Zust
CIRP Annals 51 (1), 387-390, 2002
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for EOL product recovery optimization: turbocharger case study
HB Jun, M Cusin, D Kiritsis, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Production Research 45 (18-19), 4573-4594, 2007
A multi-criteria decision method for sustainability assessment of the use phase of machine tool systems
O Avram, I Stroud, P Xirouchakis
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 53, 811-828, 2011
Disassembly scheduling with multiple product types
HJ Kim, DH Lee, P Xirouchakis, R Züst
CIRP Annals 52 (1), 403-406, 2003
Dynamics analysis of a 3-DOF parallel manipulator with R–P–S joint structure
A Sokolov, P Xirouchakis
Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (5), 541-557, 2007
A two-stage heuristic for disassembly scheduling with assembly product structure
DH Lee, P Xirouchakis
Journal of the Operational Research Society 55 (3), 287-297, 2004
System architecture for closed-loop PLM
HB Jun, JH Shin, D Kiritsis, P Xirouchakis
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20 (7), 684-698, 2007
Petri net techniques for process planning cost estimation
D Kiritsis, KP Neuendorf, P Xirouchakis
Advances in Engineering Software 30 (6), 375-387, 1999
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