Haitao Quan
Haitao Quan
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Quantum thermodynamic cycles and quantum heat engines
HT Quan, Y Liu, CP Sun, F Nori
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
Decay of Loschmidt echo enhanced by quantum criticality
HT Quan, Z Song, XF Liu, P Zanardi, CP Sun
Physical review letters 96 (14), 140604, 2006
Experimental test of the quantum Jarzynski equality with a trapped-ion system
S An, JN Zhang, M Um, D Lv, Y Lu, J Zhang, ZQ Yin, HT Quan, K Kim
Nature Physics 11 (2), 193-199, 2015
Quantum thermodynamic cycles and quantum heat engines. II.
HT Quan
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (4 …, 2009
Mixed-state fidelity and quantum criticality at finite temperature
P Zanardi, HT Quan, X Wang, CP Sun
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 032109, 2007
Space-time crystals of trapped ions
T Li, ZX Gong, ZQ Yin, HT Quan, X Yin, P Zhang, LM Duan, X Zhang
Physical review letters 109 (16), 163001, 2012
Quantum heat engine with multilevel quantum systems
HT Quan, P Zhang, CP Sun
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (5 …, 2005
Maxwell’s demon assisted thermodynamic cycle in superconducting quantum circuits
HT Quan, YD Wang, Y Liu, CP Sun, F Nori
Physical review letters 97 (18), 180402, 2006
Maxwell’s refrigerator: an exactly solvable model
D Mandal, HT Quan, C Jarzynski
Physical review letters 111 (3), 030602, 2013
Quantum-classical transition of photon-Carnot engine induced by quantum decoherence
HT Quan, P Zhang, CP Sun
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (3 …, 2006
Quantum-classical correspondence principle for work distributions
C Jarzynski, HT Quan, S Rahav
Physical review X 5 (3), 031038, 2015
Quantum Darwinism in a Mixed Environment
M Zwolak, HT Quan, WH Zurek
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 110402, 2009
Experimental test of the differential fluctuation theorem and a generalized Jarzynski equality for arbitrary initial states
TM Hoang, R Pan, J Ahn, J Bang, HT Quan, T Li
Physical review letters 120 (8), 080602, 2018
Critical dynamics of decoherence
B Damski, HT Quan, WH Zurek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 062104, 2011
Shortcuts to isothermality and nonequilibrium work relations
G Li, HT Quan, ZC Tu
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012144, 2017
Redundant imprinting of information in nonideal environments: Objective reality via a noisy channel
M Zwolak, HT Quan, WH Zurek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (6), 062110, 2010
Quantum fidelity and thermal phase transitions
HT Quan, FM Cucchietti
Phys. Rev. E 79, 031101, 2008
Path integral approach to quantum thermodynamics
K Funo, HT Quan
Physical review letters 121 (4), 040602, 2018
Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence
A Smith, Y Lu, S An, X Zhang, JN Zhang, Z Gong, HT Quan, C Jarzynski, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (1), 013008, 2018
Sensitive chemical compass assisted by quantum criticality
CY Cai, Q Ai, HT Quan, CP Sun
Phys. Rev. A 85, 022315, 2011
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