Frederik Heber
Frederik Heber technologies GmbH
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Comparison of scalable fast methods for long-range interactions
A Arnold, F Fahrenberger, C Holm, O Lenz, M Bolten, H Dachsel, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (6 …, 2013
The nano-branched structure of cementitious calcium–silicate–hydrate gel
JS Dolado, M Griebel, J Hamaekers, F Heber
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (12), 4445-4449, 2011
A molecular dynamics study on the impact of defects and functionalization on the Young modulus of boron–nitride nanotubes
M Griebel, J Hamaekers, F Heber
Computational Materials Science 45 (4), 1097-1103, 2009
Biomolecules as soft matter surfaces
AM Bittner, F Heber, J Hamaekers
Surface science 603 (10-12), 1922-1925, 2009
ScaFaCoS, C subroutine library
M Bolten, F Fahrenberger, R Halver, F Heber, M Hofmann, I Kabadshow, ...
ScaFaCoS-Scalable Fast Coloumb Solvers
A Arnold, M Bolten, H Dachsel, F Fahrenberger, F Gähler, R Halver, ...
Extraction of quantifiable information from complex systems
S Dahlke, W Dahmen, M Griebel, W Hackbusch, K Ritter, R Schneider, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Computational 3D simulation of calcium leaching in cement matrices
JJ Gaitero, JS Dolado, C Neuen, F Heber, E Koenders
INS Preprint, 2012
BOSSANOVA: A bond order dissection approach for efficient electronic structure calculations
M Griebel, J Hamaekers, F Heber
INS Preprint 704, 2008
TATi-Thermodynamic Analytics ToolkIt: TensorFlow-based software for posterior sampling in machine learning applications
F Heber, Z Trstanova, B Leimkuhler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.08640, 2019
Acceleration of sequential subspace optimization in Banach spaces by orthogonal search directions
F Heber, F Schöpfer, T Schuster
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 345, 1-22, 2019
3D computational simulation of calcium leaching in cement matrices
JJ Gaitero, JS Dolado, C Neuen, F Heber, EAB Koenders
Materiales de Construcción 64 (316), e035-e035, 2014
Posterior sampling strategies based on discretized stochastic differential equations for machine learning applications
F Heber, Ž Trst’anová, B Leimkuhler
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (228), 1-33, 2020
A CG-type method in Banach spaces with an application to computerized tomography
F Heber, F Schöpfer, T Schuster
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.04036, 2016
A bond order dissection ANOVA approach for efficient electronic structure calculations
M Griebel, J Hamaekers, F Heber
Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems, 211-235, 2014
Ein systematischer, linear skalierender Fragmentansatz für das Elektronenstrukturproblem
F Heber
Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Diss., 2014, 2014
HYPERMATH-Hyperspectral Imaging: mathematische Methoden für Innovationen in Medizin und Industrie: Schlussbericht zum BMBF-Projekt: Teilvorhaben: TP T3: Effiziente …
F Heber, T Schuster, H Zähle
Universität des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung Mathematik, 2017
HYPERMATH-Hyperspectral Imaging: mathematische Methoden für Innovationen in Medizin und Industrie: Schlussbericht zum BMBF-Projekt: Teilvorhaben: TP T2: Variationsprobleme mit …
M Burger, C Brune, F Wübbeling, T Schuster, F Heber
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 2017
BOSSANOVA-A bond order dissection approach for efficient electronic structure calculations
F Heber, M Griebel, J Hamaekers
A molecular dynamics study on fullerene–implanted carbon nanotori as electronmagnetic sensing and emitting devices
M Griebel, F Heber
Institut für Numerische Simulation (INS), 2009
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