Measurement of the prompt fission neutron spectrum from 10 keV to 10 MeV induced by neutrons of energy 1–20 MeV KJ Kelly, M Devlin, JM O'Donnell, JA Gomez, D Neudecker, RC Haight, ...
Physical Review C 102 (3), 034615, 2020
55 2020 The prompt fission neutron spectrum of 235U (n, f) below 2.5 MeV for incident neutrons from 0.7 to 20 MeV M Devlin, JA Gomez, KJ Kelly, RC Haight, JM O'Donnell, TN Taddeucci, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 322-337, 2018
49 2018 New measurements of low-energy resonances in the reaction KJ Kelly, AE Champagne, LN Downen, JR Dermigny, S Hunt, C Iliadis, ...
Physical Review C 95 (1), 015806, 2017
49 2017 High-intensity-beam study of and thermonuclear reaction rates for MQ Buckner, C Iliadis, KJ Kelly, LN Downen, AE Champagne, ...
Physical Review C 91 (1), 015812, 2015
49 2015 Prompt-fission-neutron spectra in the reaction P Marini, J Taieb, B Laurent, G Belier, A Chatillon, D Etasse, P Morfouace, ...
Physical Review C 101 (4), 044614, 2020
44 2020 Evaluations of energy spectra of neutrons emitted promptly in neutron-induced fission of 235U and 239Pu D Neudecker, P Talou, T Kawano, AC Kahler, MC White, TN Taddeucci, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 293-311, 2018
44 2018 Nuclear mixing meters for classical novae KJ Kelly, C Iliadis, L Downen, J José, A Champagne
The Astrophysical Journal 777 (2), 130, 2013
42 2013 Measurement of the keV resonance in the reaction S Daigle, KJ Kelly, AE Champagne, MQ Buckner, C Iliadis, C Howard
Physical Review C 94 (2), 025803, 2016
37 2016 Preequilibrium Asymmetries in the Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum KJ Kelly, T Kawano, JM O’Donnell, JA Gomez, M Devlin, D Neudecker, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (7), 072503, 2019
36 2019 Numerical integration of detector response functions via Monte Carlo simulations KJ Kelly, JM O’Donnell, JA Gomez, TN Taddeucci, M Devlin, RC Haight, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
20 2017 Templates of expected measurement uncertainties D Neudecker, AM Lewis, EF Matthews, J Vanhoy, RC Haight, DL Smith, ...
EPJ Nuclear sciences & technologies 9, 35, 2023
17 2023 γ -Ray spectroscopy using a binned likelihood approachJR Dermigny, C Iliadis, MQ Buckner, KJ Kelly
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
17 2016 New recommended ω γ for the Er c .m . =458 keV resonance in 22 Ne(p ,γ )23 Na KJ Kelly, AE Champagne, R Longland, MQ Buckner
Physical Review C 92 (3), 035805, 2015
15 2015 Development of a variable-energy, high-intensity, pulsed-mode ion source for low-energy nuclear astrophysics studies AL Cooper, KJ Kelly, E Machado, I Pogrebnyak, J Surbrook, C Tysor, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (8), 2018
14 2018 Energy dependence of prompt fissions neutron multiplicity in the 239Pu (n, f) reaction P Marini, J Taieb, D Neudecker, G Bélier, A Chatillon, D Etasse, B Laurent, ...
Physics Letters B 835, 137513, 2022
12 2022 Correlations between fission fragment and neutron anisotropies in neutron-induced fission AE Lovell, P Talou, I Stetcu, KJ Kelly
Physical Review C 102 (2), 024621, 2020
11 2020 Measurements of the prompt fission neutron spectrum at LANSCE: the Chi-Nu experiment KJ Kelly, M Devlin, JA Gomez, JM O’Donnell, TN Taddeucci, RC Haight, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 193, 03003, 2018
11 2018 Measurement of the prompt fission neutron spectrum from 10 keV to 10 MeV induced by neutrons with 1.5–20 MeV energy KJ Kelly, M Devlin, JM O'Donnell, D Neudecker, AE Lovell, RC Haight, ...
Physical Review C 108 (2), 024603, 2023
9 2023 NSR Query Results NP Giha, S Marin, JA Baker, IE Hernandez, KJ Kelly, M Devlin, ...
Phys. Rev. C 107, 014612, 2023
9 2023 The analysis of shape data including normalization and the impact on prompt fission neutron spectrum measurements KJ Kelly, JM O’Donnell, D Neudecker, M Devlin, JA Gomez
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
9 2019