Pius von Däniken
Pius von Däniken
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LEDGAR: a large-scale multi-label corpus for text classification of legal provisions in contracts
D Tuggener, P von Däniken, T Peetz, M Cieliebak
12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2020, 1228-1234, 2020
Transfer learning and sentence level features for named entity recognition on tweets
P Von Däniken, M Cieliebak
3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT), Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 …, 2017
Spot The Bot: A Robust and Efficient Framework for the Evaluation of Conversational Dialogue Systems
J Deriu, D Tuggener, P von Däniken, JA Campos, A Rodrigo, T Belkacem, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02140, 2020
spMMMP at GermEval 2018 Shared Task: Classification of Offensive Content in Tweets using Convolutional Neural Networks and Gated Recurrent Units
D von Grünigen, F Benites, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak, R Grubenmann, ...
14th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2018, 130, 2018
Twist Bytes: German dialect identification with data mining optimization
F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, R Grubenmann, P von Däniken, ...
27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018 …, 2018
Twistbytes-identification of cuneiform languages and german dialects at vardial 2019
F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak
6th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, VarDial …, 2019
Word Unigram Weighing for Author Profiling at PAN 2018
P von Däniken, R Grubenmann, M Cieliebak
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction …, 2018
Probing the Robustness of Trained Metrics for Conversational Dialogue Systems
J Deriu, D Tuggener, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13887, 2022
Design Patterns for Resource-Constrained Automated Deep-Learning Methods
L Tuggener, M Amirian, F Benites, P von Däniken, P Gupta, FP Schilling, ...
AI 1 (4), 510-538, 2020
ZHAW-InIT at GermEval 2020 task 4: low-resource speech-to-text
M Büchi, MA Ulasik, M Hürlimann, F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, ...
5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference, Zurich (online), 24-25 June 2020, 2020
SB-CH: A Swiss German Corpus with Sentiment Annotations
R Grubenmann, D Tuggener, P Von Däniken, J Deriu, M Cieliebak
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
TRANSLIT: A Large-scale Name Transliteration Resource
F Benites, GF Duivesteijn, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 3265-3271, 2020
On the Effectiveness of Automated Metrics for Text Generation Systems
P von Däniken, J Deriu, D Tuggener, M Cieliebak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13025, 2022
Zhaw-cai at CheckThat! 2023: Ensembling using kernel averaging
P von Däniken, JM Deriu, M Cieliebak
14th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), Thessaloniki …, 2023
ZHAW-InIT-Social Media Geolocation at VarDial 2020
F Benites, M Hürlimann, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and …, 2020
Overview of the GermEval 2020 shared task on Swiss German language identification
P von Däniken, M Hürlimann, M Cieliebak
5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference, Zurich (online), 24-25 June 2020, 2020
Correction of Errors in Preference Ratings from Automated Metrics for Text Generation
J Deriu, P von Däniken, D Tuggener, M Cieliebak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.03866, 2023
Improving NL-to-Query Systems through Re-ranking of Semantic Hypothesis
P Von Däniken, JM Deriu, E Agirre, U Brunner, M Cieliebak, K Stockinger
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Language and …, 2022
Improving a semantic parser through user interaction
P von Däniken
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2021
Role-Playing LLMs in Professional Communication Training: The Case of Investigative Interviews with Children
D Tuggener, T Schneider, A Huwiler, T Kreienbühl, S Hischier, ...
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS …, 2024
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