Martin Kuttge
Martin Kuttge
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Zitiert von
Direct observation of plasmonic modes in Au nanowires using high-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
EJR Vesseur, R De Waele, M Kuttge, A Polman
Nano letters 7 (9), 2843-2846, 2007
Ultrasmall mode volume plasmonic nanodisk resonators
M Kuttge, FJ García de Abajo, A Polman
Nano letters 10 (5), 1537-1541, 2010
Multipolar interference for directed light emission
IM Hancu, AG Curto, M Castro-López, M Kuttge, NF van Hulst
Nano letters 14 (1), 166-171, 2014
Propagation of surface plasmon polaritons on semiconductor gratings
JG Rivas, M Kuttge, PH Bolivar, H Kurz, JA Sánchez-Gil
Physical review letters 93 (25), 256804, 2004
Local density of states, spectrum, and far-field interference of surface plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence
M Kuttge, EJR Vesseur, AF Koenderink, HJ Lezec, HA Atwater, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (11), 113405, 2009
Low-frequency active surface plasmon optics on semiconductors
J Gómez Rivas, M Kuttge, H Kurz, P Haring Bolivar, JA Sánchez-Gil
Applied physics letters 88 (8), 2006
Deep-subwavelength imaging of the modal dispersion of light
R Sapienza, T Coenen, J Renger, M Kuttge, NF van Hulst, A Polman
Nature materials 11 (9), 781-787, 2012
Loss mechanisms of surface plasmon polaritons on gold probed by cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy.
M Kuttge, EJR Vesseur, J Verhoeven, HJ Lezec, HA Atwater, A Polman
Applied Physics Letters 93 (11), 2008
How grooves reflect and confine surface plasmon polaritons
M Kuttge, FJ Garcia de Abajo, A Polman
Optics express 17 (12), 10385-10392, 2009
Optically switchable mirrors for surface plasmon polaritons propagating on semiconductor surfaces
J Gómez Rivas, JA Sánchez-Gil, M Kuttge, P Haring Bolivar, H Kurz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (24), 245324, 2006
Dispersion of metal-insulator-metal plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy
M Kuttge, W Cai, FJ García de Abajo, A Polman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (3), 033409, 2009
Fabry–Pérot resonators for surface plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence
M Kuttge, EJR Vesseur, A Polman
Applied Physics Letters 94 (18), 2009
Analysis of the propagation of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on semiconductor groove gratings
M Kuttge, H Kurz, JG Rivas, JA Sánchez-Gil, P Haring Bolivar
Journal of applied physics 101 (2), 2007
Cathodoluminescence plasmon microscopy
M Kuttge
Ph. D. Thesis, 2009
Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on metal and semiconductor surfaces
M Kuttge, JG Rivas, J Saxler, PH Bolívar, H Kurz
Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th …, 2004
Magneto-electric antennas for directed light emission
IM Hancu, AG Curto, M Castro-López, M Kuttge, NF van Hulst
International Quantum Electronics Conference, IH_3_2, 2013
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of surface plasmon polaritons on semiconductor surfaces
J Gómez Rivas, J Saxler, M Kuttge, P Haring Bolívar, H Kurz
Ultrafast Phenomena XIV: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference …, 2005
Magnetic response of a resonant nanoslot antenna
AG Curto, M Kuttge, NF van Hulst
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QM4H. 3, 2012
Semiconductors II: Surfaces, interfaces, microstructures, and related topics-Optically switchable mirrors for surface plasmon polaritons propagating on semiconductor surfaces
JG Rivas, JA Sanchez-Gil, M Kuttge, PH Bolivar, H Kurz
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 74 (24), 245324-245324, 2006
Time-resolved THz spectroscopy of surface-plasmon polaritons on semiconductor lattice structures; Zeitaufgeloeste THz-Spekroskopie von Oberflaechenplasmonpolaritonen auf …
M Kuttge, JG Rivas, PH Bolivar, H Kurz
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 40, 2005
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