William Stwalley
William Stwalley
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Cold molecules: theory, experiment, applications
R Krems, B Friedrich, WC Stwalley
CRC press, 2009
Stability of spin-aligned hydrogen at low temperatures and high magnetic fields: New field-dependent scattering resonances and predissociations
WC Stwalley
Physical Review Letters 37 (24), 1628, 1976
Photoassociation of ultracold atoms: a new spectroscopic technique
WC Stwalley, H Wang
Journal of molecular spectroscopy 195 (2), 194-228, 1999
Photoassociative production and trapping of ultracold KRb molecules
D Wang, J Qi, MF Stone, O Nikolayeva, H Wang, B Hattaway, ...
Physical review letters 93 (24), 243005, 2004
Observation of ultracold ground-state potassium molecules
AN Nikolov, EE Eyler, XT Wang, J Li, H Wang, WC Stwalley, PL Gould
Physical review letters 82 (4), 703, 1999
Laser cooling of molecules: A sequential scheme for rotation, translation, and vibration
JT Bahns, WC Stwalley, PL Gould
The Journal of Chemical Physics 104 (24), 9689-9697, 1996
Possible "New" Quantum Systems
WC Stwalley, LH Nosanow
Physical View Letters 36, 910-913, 1976
Efficient production of ground-state potassium molecules at sub-mK temperatures by two-step photoassociation
AN Nikolov, JR Ensher, EE Eyler, H Wang, WC Stwalley, PL Gould
Physical review letters 84 (2), 246, 2000
Pure long-range molecules
WC Stwalley, YH Uang, G Pichler
Physical Review Letters 41 (17), 1164, 1978
The dissociation energy of the hydrogen molecule using long-range forces
WC Stwalley
Chemical Physics Letters 6 (3), 241-244, 1970
Spectroscopy and structure of the Lithium Hydride diatomic molecules and ions
WC Stwalley, WT Zemke
Journal of physical and chemical reference data 22 (1), 87-112, 1993
First observation of bound–continuum transitions in the laser‐induced A1Σ+uX1Σ+g fluorescence of Na2
KK Verma, JT Bahns, AR Rajaei‐Rizi, WC Stwalley, WT Zemke
The Journal of Chemical Physics 78 (6), 3599-3613, 1983
Ultracold photoassociative spectroscopy of heteronuclear alkali-metal diatomic molecules
H Wang, WC Stwalley
The Journal of chemical physics 108 (14), 5767-5771, 1998
Photoassociative spectroscopy of ultracold K 39 atoms in a high-density vapor-cell magneto-optical trap
H Wang, PL Gould, WC Stwalley
Physical Review A 53 (3), R1216, 1996
Mass‐reduced quantum numbers: Application to the isotopic mercury hydrides
WC Stwalley
The Journal of Chemical Physics 63 (7), 3062-3080, 1975
Spectroscopy and structure of the alkali hydride diatomic molecules and their ions
WC Stwalley, WT Zemke, SC Yang
Journal of physical and chemical reference data 20 (1), 153-187, 1991
Stimulated Raman molecule production in Bose-Einstein condensates
PS Julienne, K Burnett, YB Band, WC Stwalley
Physical Review A 58 (2), R797, 1998
Precise determination of the dipole matrix element and radiative lifetime of the K 39 4p state by photoassociative spectroscopy
H Wang, J Li, XT Wang, CJ Williams, PL Gould, WC Stwalley
Physical Review A 55 (3), R1569, 1997
Formation of Cold (T⩽ 1 K) Molecules
JT Bahns, PL Gould, WC Stwalley
Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 42, 171-224, 2000
The photoassociative spectroscopy, photoassociative molecule formation, and trapping of ultracold
D Wang, J Qi, MF Stone, O Nikolayeva, B Hattaway, SD Gensemer, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2004
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