Juan Van Roy
Juan Van Roy
PhD/MSc Electrical Engineering
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Assessing electrical bottlenecks at feeder level for residential net zero-energy buildings by integrated system simulation
R Baetens, R De Coninck, J Van Roy, B Verbruggen, J Driesen, L Helsen, ...
Applied Energy 96, 74-83, 2011
Electric Vehicle Charging in an Office Building Microgrid With Distributed Energy Resources
J Van Roy, N Leemput, F Geth, J Büscher, R Salenbien, J Driesen
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (4), 1389-1396, 2014
Impact of Electric Vehicle On-Board Single-Phase Charging Strategies on a Flemish Residential Grid
N Leemput, F Geth, J Van Roy, A Delnooz, J Büscher, J Driesen
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 1815-1822, 2014
Apartment Building Electricity System Impact of Operational Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies
J Van Roy, N Leemput, F Geth, R Salenbien, J Büscher, J Driesen
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (1), 264-272, 2014
Reactive Power Support in Residential LV Distribution Grids through Electric Vehicle Charging
N Leemput, F Geth, J Van Roy, J Büscher, J Driesen
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2015
An Availability Analysis and Energy Consumption Model for a Flemish Fleet of Electric Vehicles
J Van Roy, N Leemput, S De Breucker, F Geth, P Tant, J Driesen
European Electric Vehicle Congress (EEVC), 2011
Design Criteria for Electric Vehicle Fast Charge Infrastructure Based on Flemish Mobility Behavior
N Machiels, N Leemput, F Geth, J Van Roy, J Büscher, J Driesen
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 320-327, 2014
Voltage droop charging of electric vehicles in a residential distribution feeder
F Geth, N Leemput, J Van Roy, J Büscher, R Ponnette, J Driesen
2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 1-8, 2012
Comparative Analysis of Coordination Strategies for Electric Vehicles
N Leemput, J Van Roy, F Geth, P Tant, B Claessens, J Driesen
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT), 2011
A case study of coordinated electric vehicle charging for peak shaving on a low voltage grid
N Leemput, F Geth, B Claessens, J Van Roy, R Ponnette, J Driesen
2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 1-7, 2012
MV and LV Residential Grid Impact of Combined Slow and Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles
N Leemput, F Geth, J Van Roy, P Olivella-Rosell, J Driesen, A Sumper
Energies 8 (3), 1760-1783, 2015
Basic sensitivity analysis of conversion losses in a DC microgrid
H Kakigano, Y Miura, T Ise, J Van Roy, J Driesen
International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications …, 2012
Ideas for Tomorrow: New Tools for Integrated Building and District Modeling
J Van Roy, B Verbruggen, J Driesen
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine 11 (5), 75-81, 2013
Analysis of the Optimal Battery Sizing for Plug-in Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicles on the Power Consumption and V2G Availability
J Van Roy, S De Breucker, J Driesen
16th Int. Conf. on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP), 2011
Object-Oriented Electrical Grid and Photovoltaic system modelling in Modelica
B Verbruggen, J Van Roy, R De Coninck, R Baetens, L Helsen, J Driesen
8th International Modelica Conference, 2011
Electric Vehicle Charging integration in Buildings: Local Charging Coordination and DC Grids
J Van Roy
status: accepted, 2015
Thermal and Electrical Cover Factors: Definition and Application for Net-Zero Energy Buildings
J Van Roy, R Salenbien, D Vanhoudt, J Desmedt, J Driesen
CLIMA 2013, 997-1007, 2013
Power electronics for electric vehicles: A student laboratory platform
J Tant, J Zwysen, K Engelen, N Leemput, J Van Roy, S Weckx, J Driesen
13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 1-7, 2012
Modelica Library for Building and Low-Voltage Electrical AC and DC Grid Modeling
J Van Roy, R Salenbien, J Driesen
10th International Modelica Conference, 301-309, 2014
Standardization of Conductive AC Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles
S Luyten, N Leemput, F Geth, J Van Roy, J Büscher, J Driesen
CIRED, 2013
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