Martin Rex
Martin Rex
FEhS-Institut für Baustoff-Forschung
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Lane formation in driven mixtures of oppositely charged colloids
T Vissers, A Wysocki, M Rex, H Löwen, CP Royall, A Imhof, ...
Soft Matter 7 (6), 2352-2356, 2011
Dynamical density functional theory for anisotropic colloidal particles
M Rex, HH Wensink, H Löwen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (2 …, 2007
Lane formation in oppositely charged colloids driven by an electric field: Chaining and two-dimensional crystallization
M Rex, H Löwen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Dynamical Density Functional Theory with Hydrodynamic Interactions and Colloids<? format?> in Unstable Traps
M Rex, H Löwen
Physical review letters 101 (14), 148302, 2008
Influence of hydrodynamic interactions on lane formation in oppositely charged driven colloids
M Rex, H Löwen
The European Physical Journal E 26, 143-150, 2008
Dynamical density functional theory for colloidal dispersions including hydrodynamic interactions
M Rex, H Löwen
The European Physical Journal E 28, 139-146, 2009
Soft colloids driven and sheared by traveling wave fields
M Rex, H Löwen, CN Likos
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Ultrasoft colloids in cavities of oscillating size or sharpness
M Rex, CN Likos, H Löwen, J Dzubiella
Molecular Physics 104 (4), 527-540, 2006
Long-time self-diffusion for Brownian Gaussian-core particles
HH Wensink, H Löwen, M Rex, CN Likos, S Van Teeffelen
Computer Physics Communications 179 (1-3), 77-81, 2008
Driven Colloidal Mixtures and Colloidal Liquid Crystals
H Löwen, HH Wensink, M Rex
AIP Conference Proceedings 982 (1), 284-288, 2008
Kolloidale Weiche Materie in äußeren Feldern: Theorie und Simulation
M Rex
Lane formation in driven colloidal mixtures: is it continuous or discontinuous?
M Rex, CP Royall, A van Blaaderen, H Löwen
arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.0908, 2008
Soft colloidal matter in external driving fields: Theory and simulation
M Rex
Colloidal dispersions, suspensions, and aggregates-Lane formation in oppositely charged colloids driven by an electric field: Chaining and two-dimensional crystallization
M Rex, H Lowen
Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 75 …, 2007
Oppositely charged colloids near-and out-of-equilibrium
T Vissers, A Wysocki, M Rex, H Löwen, C Patrick
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