Benjamin Passey
Benjamin Passey
University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Defining an absolute reference frame for ‘clumped’isotope studies of CO2
KJ Dennis, HP Affek, BH Passey, DP Schrag, JM Eiler
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (22), 7117-7131, 2011
Carbon isotope fractionation between diet, breath CO2, and bioapatite in different mammals
BH Passey, TF Robinson, LK Ayliffe, TE Cerling, M Sponheimer, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 32 (10), 1459-1470, 2005
High-temperature environments of human evolution in East Africa based on bond ordering in paleosol carbonates
BH Passey, NE Levin, TE Cerling, FH Brown, JM Eiler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (25), 11245-11249, 2010
Nitrogen isotopes in mammalian herbivores: hair δ15N values from a controlled feeding study
M Sponheimer, T Robinson, L Ayliffe, B Roeder, J Hammer, B Passey, ...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13 (1‐2), 80-87, 2003
Methods and limitations of ‘clumped’ CO2 isotope (Δ47) analysis by gas‐source isotope ratio mass spectrometry
KW Huntington, JM Eiler, HP Affek, W Guo, M Bonifacie, LY Yeung, ...
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 44 (9), 1318-1329, 2009
A stable isotope aridity index for terrestrial environments
NE Levin, TE Cerling, BH Passey, JM Harris, JR Ehleringer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (30), 11201-11205, 2006
Diets of East African Bovidae based on stable isotope analysis
TE Cerling, JM Harris, BH Passey
Journal of Mammalogy 84 (2), 456-470, 2003
An experimental study of carbon-isotope fractionation between diet, hair, and feces of mammalian herbivores
M Sponheimer, T Robinson, L Ayliffe, B Passey, B Roeder, L Shipley, ...
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (5), 871-876, 2003
Tooth enamel mineralization in ungulates: implications for recovering a primary isotopic time-series
BH Passey, TE Cerling
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (18), 3225-3234, 2002
Carbonate clumped isotope bond reordering and geospeedometry
BH Passey, GA Henkes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 351, 223-236, 2012
Turnover of carbon isotopes in tail hair and breath CO2 of horses fed an isotopically varied diet
LK Ayliffe, TE Cerling, T Robinson, AG West, M Sponheimer, BH Passey, ...
Oecologia 139, 11-22, 2004
Turnover of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in the body water, CO2, hair, and enamel of a small mammal
DW Podlesak, AM Torregrossa, JR Ehleringer, MD Dearing, BH Passey, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (1), 19-35, 2008
Carbonate clumped isotope compositions of modern marine mollusk and brachiopod shells
GA Henkes, BH Passey, AD Wanamaker, EL Grossman, WG Ambrose, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 106, 307-325, 2013
Isotopic evidence for dietary variability in the early hominin Paranthropus robustus
M Sponheimer, BH Passey, DJ De Ruiter, D Guatelli-Steinberg, ...
Science 314 (5801), 980-982, 2006
Temperature limits for preservation of primary calcite clumped isotope paleotemperatures
GA Henkes, BH Passey, EL Grossman, BJ Shenton, A Pérez-Huerta, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 139, 362-382, 2014
The diet of Australopithecus sediba
AG Henry, PS Ungar, BH Passey, M Sponheimer, L Rossouw, M Bamford, ...
Nature 487, 90-93, 2012
Dietary changes of large herbivores in the Turkana Basin, Kenya from 4 to 1 Ma
TE Cerling, SA Andanje, SA Blumenthal, FH Brown, KL Chritz, JM Harris, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112 (37), 11467-11472, 2015
Environmental change in the Great Plains: an isotopic record from fossil horses
BH Passey, TE Cerling, ME Perkins, MR Voorhies, JM Harris, ST Tucker
The Journal of Geology 110 (2), 123-140, 2002
Calibration of the dolomite clumped isotope thermometer from 25 to 350° C, and implications for a universal calibration for all (Ca, Mg, Fe) CO 3 carbonates
M Bonifacie, D Calmels, JM Eiler, J Horita, C Chaduteau, C Vasconcelos, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 200, 255-279, 2017
Strengthened East Asian summer monsoons during a period of high-latitude warmth? Isotopic evidence from Mio-Pliocene fossil mammals and soil carbonates from northern China
BH Passey, LK Ayliffe, A Kaakinen, Z Zhang, JT Eronen, Y Zhu, L Zhou, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (3-4), 443-452, 2009
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