Eraldo Banovac
Eraldo Banovac
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Defining a composite index for measuring natural gas supply security-The Croatian gas market case
D Pavlović, E Banovac, N Vištica
Energy policy 114, 30-38, 2018
Establishing an efficient regulatory mechanism—Prerequisite for successful energy activities regulation
E Banovac, M Glavić, S Tešnjak
Energy 34 (2), 178-189, 2009
Tržište električne energije
S Tešnjak, E Banovac, I Kuzle
Designing a global energy policy model
E Banovac, M Stojkov, D Kozak
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy 170 (1), 2-11, 2017
Choosing the optimal approach to define the methodology of a tariff system for thermal energy activities
E Banovac, Ž Bogdan, I Kuzle
Strojarstvo 49 (6), 409-420, 2007
Analysis of economic characteristics of a tariff system for thermal energy activities
E Banovac, T Gelo, J Šimurina
Energy policy 35 (11), 5591-5600, 2007
An analytic review of the characteristics of the lot acceptance sampling plans used for acceptance of large lots
E Banovac, D Kozak
International review of civil engineering 3 (6), 1070-1076, 2008
Analysis of applicable methods of incentive regulation in the field of distribution of electricity
E Banovac, I Štritof
WSEAS Transactions on systems 4 (8), 1224-1232, 2005
Monitoringgrundlagen der kroatischen Regulierungsbehörde für Energie
E Banovac
EW. Energiewirtschaft 103 (1-2), 14-16, 2004
Measuring concentration in the energy markets
E Banovac
Nafta: exploration, production, processing, petrochemistry 56 (6), 249-256, 2005
Osnove, metode i alati kvalitete
E Banovac, D Kozak, L Maglić
Applicability of the LASPs in the electric-power industry
E Banovac, I Kuzle
IEEE EUROCON 2009, 1152-1157, 2009
Gas consumption forecasting: evidence from the Croatian gas market
N Vištica, E Banovac, D Pavlović
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Energy 168 (1), 16-29, 2015
Natural gas as a geopolitical factor of energy transition
D Pavlović, E Banovac
35. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za plin= 35th …, 2020
Europsko tržište prirodnog plina: Trgovinska čvorišta plina (hubovi)-čimbenici spot tržišta te sastavnica regionalnog i integriranog tržišta
E Banovac, D Pavlović, N Vištica, H Brlečić
Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za plin (22; 2007), 1-12, 2007
Hydrogen utilisation as a key factor for achieving energy system decarbonisation
D Pudic, E Banovac
Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 64-74, 2022
Prirodni plin–bitan energent 21. stoljeća
E Banovac
Plin 18 (4), 4-8, 2018
Analyzing the characteristics of sampling by attributes
E Banovac, D Pavlovic, N Vistica
Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Multimedia and Automatic Control …, 2012
Mathematical aspects of acceptance sampling procedure
E Banovac, D Pavlovic, N Vistica
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences …, 2012
Development of the natural gas infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia and its possible impacts on the security of the natural gas supply of the South East Region of Europe
E Banovac, G Babić, D Pavlović
5th European Conference on Economics and Management of Energy in Industry …, 2009
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