Extended information filter on matrix Lie groups J Ćesić, I Marković, M Bukal, I Petrović
Automatica 82, 226-234, 2017
32 2017 Entropy-stable and entropy-dissipative approximations of a fourth-order quantum diffusion equation M Bukal, E Emmrich, A Jüngel
Numerische Mathematik 127 (2), 365-396, 2014
20 2014 On the simultaneous homogenization and dimension reduction in elasticity and locality of -closure M Bukal, I Velčić
Calculus of variations and partial differential equations 56 (3), 59, 2017
17 2017 A multidimensional nonlinear sixth-order quantum diffusion equation M Bukal, A Jüngel, D Matthes
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 30 (2), 337-365, 2013
15 2013 Direction-only tracking of moving objects on the unit sphere via probabilistic data association I Marković, M Bukal, J Ćesić, I Petrović
17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-7, 2014
14 2014 Entropies for radially symmetric higher-order nonlinear diffusion equations M Bukal, A Jüngel, D Matthes
Commun. Math. Sci 9 (2), 353-382, 2011
12 2011 Composite distance based approach to von Mises mixture reduction M Bukal, I Marković, I Petrović
Information fusion 20, 136-145, 2014
11 2014 Score matching based assumed density filtering with the von Mises-Fisher distribution M Bukal, I Marković, I Petrović
2017 20th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), 1-6, 2017
10 2017 Multitarget tracking with the von mises-fisher filter and probabilistic data association I Markovic, M Bukal, J Cesic, I Petrovic
journal of advances in information fusion 11 (2), 157-172, 2016
9 2016 Derivation of homogenized Euler-Lagrange equations for von Karman rods M Bukal, M Pawelczyk, I Velcic
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01813, 2016
5 2016 Rigorous derivation of a linear sixth-order thin-film equation as a reduced model for thin fluid–thin structure interaction problems M Bukal, B Muha
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 84, 2245-2288, 2021
4 2021 Well-posedness and convergence of a numerical scheme for the corrected Derrida-Lebowitz-Speer-Spohn equation using the Hellinger distance M Bukal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02305, 2020
3 2020 Justification of a nonlinear sixth-order thin-film equation as the reduced model for a fluid–structure interaction problem M Bukal, B Muha
Nonlinearity 35 (8), 4695, 2022
2 2022 A Review on Rigorous Derivation of Reduced Models for Fluid–Structure Interaction Systems M Bukal, B Muha
Waves in Flows: The 2018 Prague-Sum Workshop Lectures, 203-237, 2020
2 2020 The concavity of generalized entropy powers M Bukal
Ieee transactions on information theory 68 (11), 7054-7059, 2022
1 2022 A family of fourth-order q-logarithmic equations M Bukal
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 438 (1), 142-161, 2016
2016 Lyapunov functionals for fourth-order lubrication equations M Bukal, M Maurette
Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (4; 2013), 133-136, 2013
2013 Entropy analysis for nonlinear higher-order quantum diffusion equations M Bukal
Technische Universität Wien, 2012
2012 Quantum transport models based on Tsallis statistics M Bukal, J Zubrini
Ocjena greške za metodu konacnih volumnih elemenata M Bukal