Rodolfo A. Fiorini
Rodolfo A. Fiorini
Professor of Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano University
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Cognitive intelligence: Deep learning, thinking, and reasoning by brain-inspired systems
Y Wang, B Widrow, LA Zadeh, N Howard, S Wood, VC Bhavsar, G Budin, ...
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence …, 2016
How random is your tomographic noise? A number theoretic transform (NTT) approach
RA Fiorini
Fundamenta Informaticae 135 (1-2), 135-170, 2014
Discrete tomography data footprint reduction by information conservation
RA Fiorini, G Laguteta
Fundamenta Informaticae 125 (3-4), 261-272, 2013
Computerized tomography noise reduction by CICT optimized exponential cyclic sequences (OECS) co-domain
RA Fiorini
Fundamenta Informaticae 141 (2-3), 115-134, 2015
Computational information conservation theory: an introduction
RA Fiorini, NE Mastorakis, M Demiralp, N Mukhopadhyay, F Mainardi
2014 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Mathematics …, 2014
Cognitive informatics: Towards cognitive machine learning and autonomous knowledge manipulation
Y Wang, N Howard, J Kacprzyk, O Frieder, P Sheu, RA Fiorini, ...
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence …, 2018
Creativity mind
P De Giacomo, RA Fiorini
Ebook, Amazon, 2017
Strumentazione biomedica: sistemi di supporto attivo
R Fiorini
CUSL, 1994
Computational intelligence from autonomous system to super-smart society and beyond
RA Fiorini
International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence …, 2020
New CICT framework for deep learning and deep thinking application
RA Fiorini
Deep learning and neural networks: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2020
Economic competitivity in healthcare safety management by biomedical cybernetics ALS
R Fiorini, GF Santacroce
Proc. International Symposium The Economic Crisis: Time For A Paradigm Shift …, 2013
GA and CICT for stronger arbitrary multi-scale biomedical and bioengineering solutions
R Fiorini
Early Proceedings of the AGACSE 2015 Conference, 153-162, 2015
A cybernetics update for competitive deep learning system
R Fiorini
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Entropy and Its …, 2015
Logic and order: Ontologic effective management for learning and creativity
RA Fiorini
Philosophical Perceptions on Logic and Order, 283-351, 2018
On autonomous systems: from reflexive, imperative and adaptive intelligence to autonomous and cognitive intelligence
Y Wang, KN Plataniotis, S Kwong, H Leung, S Yanushkevich, F Karray, ...
2019 IEEE 18th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive …, 2019
Transdisciplinary education for deep learning, creativity and innovation
RA Fiorini
Eruditio 2 (4), 123-146, 2018
Arbitrary multi-scale (AMS) systems biology and biomedical engineering effective modeling and simulation
R Fiorini
International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering 10, 61-71, 2016
More effective biomedical experimentation data by CICT advanced ontological uncertainty management techniques
RA Fiorini
Int. J. of Biol and Biomed Eng 9, 29-41, 2015
Wellbeing understanding in high quality healthcare informatics and telepractice
RA Fiorini, P De Giacomo, L L'Abate
Unifying the Applications and Foundations of Biomedical and Health …, 2016
The entropy conundrum: A solution proposal
RA Fiorini
Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Entropy Appl, 3-21, 2014
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