gonzalo suazo
gonzalo suazo
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Results of a critical state line testing round robin programme
D Reid, A Fourie, JL Ayala, S Dickinson, F Ochoa-Cornejo, R Fanni, ...
Géotechnique 71 (7), 616-630, 2021
Investigation of some controllable factors that impact the stress state in cemented paste backfill
JP Doherty, A Hasan, GH Suazo, A Fourie
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (12), 1901-1912, 2015
Effects of confining stress, density and initial static shear stress on the cyclic shear response of fine-grained unclassified tailings
G Suazo, A Fourie, J Doherty, A Hasan
Géotechnique 66 (5), 401-412, 2016
Numerical simulation of the blast response of cemented paste backfilled stopes
G Suazo, G Villavicencio
Computers and Geotechnics 100, 1-14, 2018
Cyclic shear response of cemented paste backfill
G Suazo, A Fourie, J Doherty
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 143 (1), 04016082, 2017
In situ measurements of cemented paste backfilling in an operating stope at Lanfranchi Mine
A Hasan, G Suazo, JP Doherty, AB Fourie
Mine Fill 2014: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on …, 2014
Experimental study of the evolution of the soil water retention curve for granular material undergoing cement hydration
G Suazo, A Fourie, J Doherty
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (7), 04016022, 2016
Full scale experiments on the effectiveness of a drainage system for cemented paste backfill
A Hasan, G Suazo, AB Fourie
Paste 2013: Proceedings of the 16th International Seminar on Paste and …, 2013
Experimental investigation of propagation and transmission of compressional stress waves in cemented paste backfill
G Suazo, A Fourie, J Doherty
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (3), 04016104, 2017
Determinación de la curva de retención de agua para relaves multimetálicos de la industria minera de Chile
J Musso, G Suazo
Obras y proyectos, 22-29, 2019
In vivo estimation of ketogenesis using metabolic flux analysis—technical aspects and model interpretation
S Deja, B Kucejova, X Fu, JD Browning, JD Young, S Burgess
Metabolites 11 (5), 279, 2021
In stope measurements at two Western Australian mine sites
A Hasan, GHS Fuentealba, J Doherty, A Fourie
17th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, 355-368, 2014
Demografía de empresas en Chile
G Suazo, J Pérez
Economic Statistics Series, 2014
Estimation of moisture content in thickened tailings dams: Machine learning techniques applied to remote sensing images
GV Arancibia, OP Bustamante, GH Vigneau, H Allende-Cid, ...
IEEE Access 9, 16988-16998, 2021
Monitoreo de la humedad en depósitos de relave a partir de mediciones de reflexión de luz
V Araya, G Suazo, G Villavicencio, M Silva
Obras y proyectos, 35-41, 2019
Strut reaction forces on a diaphragm wall: Comparison of numerical models, traditional methods and field measurements.
D Raddatz, G Suazo, O Taiba
Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction 15 (2), 37-45, 2016
Volume loss of an aquaculture net pen due to current speed and linear weight of sinker ring
J López, F Hurtado, D Queirolo, V Zamora, G Suazo
Latin american journal of aquatic research 43 (2), 309-314, 2015
Generation of synthetic data for the analysis of the physical stability of tailing dams through artificial intelligence
F Pacheco, G Hermosilla, O Piña, G Villavicencio, H Allende-Cid, J Palma, ...
Mathematics 10 (23), 4396, 2022
Aplicación de herramientas de monitoreo DinSAR de deformaciones para el estudio de fallas en depósitos de relaves
S Olguín, V Araya, G Suazo, G Villavicencio
Obras y proyectos, 85-94, 2022
Structural integrity of a submersible sea cage exposed to extreme oceanographic conditions
J López, CF Hurtado, JP Toledo, G Suazo, V Zamora, D Queirolo, ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, e13052, 2024
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