Wei Fu
Wei Fu
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Brillouin-scattering-induced transparency and non-reciprocal light storage
CH Dong, Z Shen, CL Zou, YL Zhang, W Fu, GC Guo
Nature communications 6 (1), 6193, 2015
Microwave-optical quantum frequency conversion
X Han, W Fu, CL Zou, L Jiang, HX Tang
Optica 8 (8), 1050-1064, 2021
Cavity piezo-mechanics for superconducting-nanophotonic quantum interface
X Han, W Fu, C Zhong, CL Zou, Y Xu, AA Sayem, M Xu, S Wang, R Cheng, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3237, 2020
Proposal for heralded generation and detection of entangled microwave–optical-photon pairs
C Zhong, Z Wang, C Zou, M Zhang, X Han, W Fu, M Xu, S Shankar, ...
Physical review letters 124 (1), 010511, 2020
Phononic integrated circuitry and spin–orbit interaction of phonons
W Fu, Z Shen, Y Xu, CL Zou, R Cheng, X Han, HX Tang
Nature communications 10 (1), 2743, 2019
Bidirectional interconversion of microwave and light with thin-film lithium niobate
Y Xu, AA Sayem, L Fan, CL Zou, S Wang, R Cheng, W Fu, L Yang, M Xu, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4453, 2021
Frequency-tunable high-Q superconducting resonators via wireless control of nonlinear kinetic inductance
M Xu, X Han, W Fu, CL Zou, HX Tang
Applied Physics Letters 114 (19), 2019
Radiative cooling of a superconducting resonator
M Xu, X Han, CL Zou, W Fu, Y Xu, C Zhong, L Jiang, HX Tang
Physical Review Letters 124 (3), 033602, 2020
Cavity electro-optic circuit for microwave-to-optical conversion in the quantum ground state
W Fu, M Xu, X Liu, CL Zou, C Zhong, X Han, M Shen, Y Xu, R Cheng, ...
Physical Review A 103 (5), 053504, 2021
Quantum microwave radiometry with a superconducting qubit
Z Wang, M Xu, X Han, W Fu, S Puri, SM Girvin, HX Tang, S Shankar, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (18), 180501, 2021
Integrated optical circulator by stimulated Brillouin scattering induced non-reciprocal phase shift
W Fu, FJ Shu, YL Zhang, CH Dong, CL Zou, GC Guo
Optics Express 23 (19), 25118-25127, 2015
High quality factor surface Fabry-Perot cavity of acoustic waves
Y Xu, W Fu, C Zou, Z Shen, HX Tang
Applied Physics Letters 112 (7), 2018
High frequency lithium niobate film-thickness-mode optomechanical resonator
M Shen, J Xie, CL Zou, Y Xu, W Fu, HX Tang
Applied Physics Letters 117 (13), 2020
with High Optical Coherence Enabling Optical Thickness Control
S Wang, L Yang, M Shen, W Fu, Y Xu, RL Cone, CW Thiel, HX Tang
Physical Review Applied 18 (1), 014069, 2022
High-acoustic-index-contrast phononic circuits: Numerical modeling
W Wang, M Shen, CL Zou, W Fu, Z Shen, HX Tang
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (18), 2020
Sub-terahertz electromechanics
J Xie, M Shen, Y Xu, W Fu, L Yang, HX Tang
Nature Electronics 6 (4), 301-306, 2023
Superconducting cavity electromechanics: the realization of an acoustic frequency comb at microwave frequencies
X Han, CL Zou, W Fu, M Xu, Y Xu, HX Tang
Physical Review Letters 129 (10), 107701, 2022
Photonic link from single-flux-quantum circuits to room temperature
M Shen, J Xie, Y Xu, S Wang, R Cheng, W Fu, Y Zhou, HX Tang
Nature Photonics 18 (4), 371-378, 2024
Bidirectional electro-optic conversion reaching 1% efficiency with thin film lithium niobate
Y Xu, A Al Sayem, L Fan, C Zou, HX Tang
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM4L. 4, 2021
Polarization mode hybridization and conversion in phononic wire waveguides
Z Shen, W Fu, R Cheng, H Townley, CL Zou, HX Tang
Applied Physics Letters 115 (20), 2019
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