Paula Rocha Malonek
Paula Rocha Malonek
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State space realization of 2-D finite-dimensional behaviours
E Fornasini, P Rocha, S Zampieri
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 31 (6), 1502-1517, 1993
Drug delivery for neuromuscular blockade with supervised multimodel adaptive control
T Mendonça, JM Lemos, H Magalhaes, P Rocha, S Esteves
IEEE Transactions on Control systems technology 17 (6), 1237-1244, 2009
Controllability of 2-D systems
P Rocha, JC Willems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 36 (4), 413-423, 1991
Trajectory control and interconnection of 1D and nD systems
P Rocha, J Wood
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 40 (1), 107-134, 2001
Behavioral controllability of delay-differential systems
P Rocha, JC Willems
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (1), 254-264, 1997
Hopfield neural networks for on-line parameter estimation
H Alonso, T Mendonça, P Rocha
Neural Networks 22 (4), 450-462, 2009
State for 2-D systems
P Rocha, JC Willems
Linear Algebra and its Applications 122, 1003-1038, 1989
Controlling the depth of anesthesia by a novel positive control strategy
FN Nogueira, T Mendonça, P Rocha
Computer methods and programs in Biomedicine 114 (3), e87-e97, 2014
Algebraic tools for the study of quaternionic behavioral systems
R Pereira, P Rocha, P Vettori
Linear algebra and its applications 400, 121-140, 2005
Time-relevant stability of 2D systems
D Napp, P Rapisarda, P Rocha
Automatica 47 (11), 2373-2382, 2011
An annotation tool for dermoscopic image segmentation
PM Ferreira, T Mendonça, J Rozeira, P Rocha
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Visual Interfaces for …, 2012
Stability of switched linear differential systems
JC Mayo-Maldonado, P Rapisarda, P Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (8), 2038-2051, 2014
A hybrid method for parameter estimation and its application to biomedical systems
H Alonso, T Mendonça, P Rocha
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 89 (2), 112-122, 2008
Positive state observer for the automatic control of the depth of anesthesia—Clinical results
FN Nogueira, T Mendonça, P Rocha
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 171, 99-108, 2019
Canonical computational forms for AR 2-D systems
P Rocha, JC Willems
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 (3), 251-278, 1990
Canonical controllers and regular implementation of nD behaviors
P Rocha
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 13-18, 2005
A general stability test for switched positive systems based on a multidimensional system analysis
H Alonso, P Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (11), 2660-2664, 2010
On the stability of switched behavioral systems
P Rocha, JC Willems, P Rapisarda, D Napp
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Lyapunov stability of 2D finite-dimensional behaviours
DN Avelli, P Rapisarda, P Rocha
International Journal of Control 84 (4), 737-745, 2011
Autonomous multidimensional systems and their implementation by behavioral control
DN Avelli, P Rocha
Systems & control letters 59 (3-4), 203-208, 2010
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