Aino Hämäläinen
Aino Hämäläinen
Researcher, Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Cited by
The effects of logging residue extraction for energy on ecosystem services and biodiversity: A synthesis
T Ranius, A Hämäläinen, G Egnell, B Olsson, K Eklöf, J Stendahl, ...
Journal of environmental management 209, 409-425, 2018
Effects of retention level and fire on retention tree dynamics in boreal forests
O Heikkala, M Suominen, K Junninen, A Hämäläinen, J Kouki
Forest Ecology and Management 328, 193-201, 2014
The value of retained Scots pines and their dead wood legacies for lichen diversity in clear-cut forests: The effects of retention level and prescribed burning
A Hämäläinen, J Kouki, P Lõhmus
Forest Ecology and Management 324, 89-100, 2014
Retention tree characteristics have major influence on the post-harvest tree mortality and availability of coarse woody debris in clear-cut areas
A Hämäläinen, M Hujo, O Heikkala, K Junninen, J Kouki
Forest Ecology and Management 369, 66-73, 2016
Protected area designation and management in a world of climate change: A review of recommendations
T Ranius, LA Widenfalk, M Seedre, L Lindman, A Felton, A Hämäläinen, ...
Ambio 52 (1), 68-80, 2023
Conservation value of low‐productivity forests measured as the amount and diversity of dead wood and saproxylic beetles
A Hämäläinen, J Strengbom, T Ranius
Ecological Applications 28 (4), 1011-1019, 2018
Rapid legacy‐dependent succession of lichen assemblages after forest fires: Insights from two boreal regions
P Lõhmus, A Lõhmus, A Hämäläinen
Journal of vegetation science 29 (2), 200-212, 2018
Potential biodiversity impacts of forest biofuel harvest: lichen assemblages on stumps and slash of Scots pine
A Hämäläinen, J Kouki, P Lõhmus
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (10), 1239-1247, 2015
Freezing tolerance of seeds can explain differences in the distribution of two widespread mistletoe subspecies in Europe
OP Tikkanen, J Kilpeläinen, A Mellado, A Hämäläinen, JA Hódar, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 482, 118806, 2021
Low‐productivity boreal forests have high conservation value for lichens
A Hämäläinen, J Strengbom, T Ranius
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (1), 43-54, 2020
Increasing the amount of dead wood by creation of high stumps has limited value for lichen diversity
A Hämäläinen, T Ranius, J Strengbom
Journal of Environmental Management 280, 111646, 2021
Effective management for deadwood‐dependent lichen diversity requires landscape‐scale habitat protection
A Hämäläinen, L Fahrig, J Strengbom, T Ranius
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (8), 1597-1606, 2023
Diversity of forest structures important for biodiversity is determined by the combined effects of productivity, stand age, and management
A Hämäläinen, K Runnel, T Ranius, J Strengbom
Ambio 53 (5), 718-729, 2024
Living trees and biodiversity
A Hämäläinen, K Runnel, G Mikusiński, D Himelbrant, NJ Fenton, ...
boreal forests in the face of climate change: Sustainable Management, 145-166, 2023
Can field botany be effectively taught as a distance course? Experiences and reflections from the COVID-19 pandemic
AG Auffret, A Ekholm, A Hämäläinen, M Jonsell, C Lehto, M Nordkvist, ...
AoB Plants 14 (1), plab079, 2022
The evolutionary species pool concept does not explain occurrence patterns of dead-wood-dependent organisms: implications for logging residue extraction
T Ranius, A Hämäläinen, J Sjögren, M Hiron, D Jonason, A Kubart, ...
Oecologia 191, 241-252, 2019
Retention forestry and intensified biomass harvest: epiphytic lichen assemblages under opposing ecological effects in pinedominated boreal forests
A Hämäläinen
Diss For 218, 2016
The response of epiphytic lichens on living and dead Pinus sylvestris to prescribed fires of varying severity
A Nirhamo, A Hämäläinen, K Hämäläinen, J Kouki
Forest Ecology and Management 551, 121558, 2024
Maatalousalueen monivaikutteisten kosteikkojen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden yleissuunnitelma, Onkiveden alue
VM Vallinkoski, A Hämäläinen
Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskus, 2010
Retention forestry can maintain epiphytic lichens on living pine trees, but provides impoverished habitat for deadwood‐associated lichens
A Nirhamo, A Hämäläinen, K Hämäläinen, J Kouki
Journal of Applied Ecology 61 (11), 2717-2726, 2024
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Articles 1–20