Anders P. Tøttrup
Anders P. Tøttrup
Associate Professor
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The annual cycle of a trans-equatorial Eurasian–African passerine migrant: different spatio-temporal strategies for autumn and spring migration
AP Tøttrup, RHG Klaassen, R Strandberg, K Thorup, MW Kristensen, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1730), 1008-1016, 2012
Resource tracking within and across continents in long-distance bird migrants
K Thorup, AP Tøttrup, M Willemoes, RHG Klaassen, R Strandberg, ...
Science advances 3 (1), e1601360, 2017
What determines spatial bias in citizen science? Exploring four recording schemes with different proficiency requirements
J Geldmann, J Heilmann‐Clausen, TE Holm, I Levinsky, BO Markussen, ...
Diversity and Distributions 22 (11), 1139-1149, 2016
Drought in Africa caused delayed arrival of European songbirds
AP Tøttrup, RHG Klaassen, MW Kristensen, R Strandberg, Y Vardanis, ...
Science 338 (6112), 1307-1307, 2012
Avian migrants adjust migration in response to environmental conditions en route
AP Tøttrup, K Thorup, K Rainio, R Yosef, E Lehikoinen, C Rahbek
Biology Letters 4 (6), 685-688, 2008
Local temperature fine-tunes the timing of spring migration in birds
AP Tøttrup, K Rainio, T Coppack, E Lehikoinen, C Rahbek, K Thorup
integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (3), 293-304, 2010
Biodiversity response to forest structure and management: Comparing species richness, conservation relevant species and functional diversity as metrics in forest conservation
C Lelli, HH Bruun, A Chiarucci, D Donati, F Frascaroli, Ö Fritz, I Goldberg, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 432, 707-717, 2019
Range‐wide effects of breeding‐and nonbreeding‐season climate on the abundance of a Neotropical migrant songbird
S Wilson, SL LaDeau, AP Tøttrup, PP Marra
Ecology 92 (9), 1789-1798, 2011
Patterns of change in timing of spring migration in North European songbird populations
AP Tøttrup, K Thorup, C Rahbek
Journal of Avian Biology 37 (1), 84-92, 2006
Loop migration in adult marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus, as revealed by satellite telemetry
RHG Klaassen, R Strandberg, M Hake, P Olofsson, AP Tøttrup, T Alerstam
Journal of Avian Biology 41 (2), 200-207, 2010
Narrow-front loop migration in a population of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, as revealed by satellite telemetry
M Willemoes, R Strandberg, RHG Klaassen, AP Tøttrup, Y Vardanis, ...
PloS one 9 (1), e83515, 2014
Patterns of phenological changes in migratory birds
K Thorup, AP Tøttrup, C Rahbek
Oecologia 151, 697-703, 2007
Sexual selection predicts advancement of avian spring migration in response to climate change
CN Spottiswoode, AP Tøttrup, T Coppack
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1605), 3023-3029, 2006
Migration of the Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus): A Eurasian Songbird Wintering in Highly Seasonal Conditions in the West African Sahel
MW Kristensen, AP Tøttrup, K Thorup
The Auk 130 (2), 258-264, 2013
Tracking animal dispersal: from individual movement to community assembly and global range dynamics
KA Jønsson, AP Tøttrup, MK Borregaard, SA Keith, C Rahbek, K Thorup
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (3), 204-214, 2016
Sex-differentiated migration patterns, protandry and phenology in North European songbird populations
AP Tøttrup, K Thorup
Journal of Ornithology 149 (2), 161-167, 2008
Changes in timing of autumn migration in North European songbird populations
AP Tottrup, K Thorup, C Rahbek
ARDEA-WAGENINGEN- 94 (3), 527, 2006
Continent‐scale global change attribution in European birds‐combining annual and decadal time scales
PS Jørgensen, K Böhning‐Gaese, K Thorup, AP Tøttrup, P Chylarecki, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (2), 530-543, 2016
Activity and migratory flights of individual free‐flying songbirds throughout the annual cycle: method and first case study
J Bäckman, A Andersson, T Alerstam, L Pedersen, S Sjöberg, K Thorup, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (2), 309-319, 2017
Degree of protandry reflects level of extrapair paternity in migratory songbirds
T Coppack, AP Tøttrup, C Spottiswoode
Journal of Ornithology 147, 260-265, 2006
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Articles 1–20