Gili Greenbaum
Gili Greenbaum
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Allelic richness following population founding events–a stochastic modeling framework incorporating gene flow and genetic drift
G Greenbaum, AR Templeton, Y Zarmi, S Bar-David
PloS one 9 (12), e115203, 2014
Ecological dynamics of the vaginal microbiome in relation to health and disease
S Greenbaum, G Greenbaum, J Moran-Gilad, AY Weintraub
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 220 (4), 324-335, 2019
Was inter-population connectivity of Neanderthals and modern humans the driver of the Upper Paleolithic transition rather than its product?
G Greenbaum, DE Friesem, E Hovers, MW Feldman, O Kolodny
Quaternary Science Reviews 217, 316-329, 2019
Inference and analysis of population structure using genetic data and network theory
G Greenbaum, AR Templeton, S Bar-David
Genetics 202 (4), 1299-1312, 2016
Recent evolutionary history of tigers highlights contrasting roles of genetic drift and selection
EE Armstrong, A Khan, RW Taylor, A Gouy, G Greenbaum, A Thiéry, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (6), 2366-2379, 2021
Disease transmission and introgression can explain the long-lasting contact zone of modern humans and Neanderthals
G Greenbaum, WM Getz, NA Rosenberg, MW Feldman, E Hovers, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-12, 2019
The role of landscape and history on the genetic structure of peripheral populations of the Near Eastern fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, in Northern …
I Sinai, O Segev, G Weil, T Oron, J Merilä, AR Templeton, L Blaustein, ...
Conservation Genetics 20, 875-889, 2019
Fission-fusion social structure of a reintroduced ungulate: Implications for conservation
S Renan, E Speyer, T Ben-Nun, A Ziv, G Greenbaum, AR Templeton, ...
Biological Conservation 222, 261-267, 2018
Trait-based approaches to predicting biological control success: challenges and prospects
M Segoli, PK Abram, J Ellers, G Greenbaum, ICW Hardy, GE Heimpel, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38 (9), 802-811, 2023
Designing gene drives to limit spillover to non-target populations
G Greenbaum, MW Feldman, NA Rosenberg, J Kim
PLoS Genetics 17 (2), e1009278, 2021
Network-based hierarchical population structure analysis for large genomic data sets
G Greenbaum, A Rubin, AR Templeton, NA Rosenberg
Genome research 29 (12), 2020-2033, 2019
Stochastic modelling of shifts in allele frequencies reveals a strongly polygynous mating system in the re‐introduced A siatic wild ass
S Renan, G Greenbaum, N Shahar, AR Templeton, A Bouskila, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (7), 1433-1446, 2015
Asymmetric disease dynamics in multihost interconnected networks
S Pilosof, G Greenbaum, BR Krasnov, YR Zelnik
Journal of theoretical biology 430, 237-244, 2017
Application of network methods for understanding evolutionary dynamics in discrete habitats
G Greenbaum, NH Fefferman
Molecular ecology 26 (11), 2850-2863, 2017
Detecting hierarchical levels of connectivity in a population of Acacia tortilis at the northern edge of the species’ global distribution: Combining classical population …
YS Rodger, G Greenbaum, M Silver, S Bar-David, G Winters
PLoS One 13 (4), e0194901, 2018
Incorporating ecology into gene drive modelling
J Kim, KD Harris, IK Kim, S Shemesh, PW Messer, G Greenbaum
Ecology Letters 26, S62-S80, 2023
Revisiting the time until fixation of a neutral mutant in a finite population–A coalescent theory approach
G Greenbaum
Journal of theoretical biology 380, 98-102, 2015
Reconsidering the management paradigm of fragmented populations
O Kolodny, MR McLaren, G Greenbaum, U Ramakrishnan, MW Feldman, ...
BioRxiv, 649129, 2019
Revealing life‐history traits by contrasting genetic estimations with predictions of effective population size
G Greenbaum, S Renan, AR Templeton, A Bouskila, D Saltz, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (4), 817-827, 2018
Rescue by gene swamping as a gene drive deployment strategy
KD Harris, G Greenbaum
Cell Reports 42 (12), 2023
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